Anas bin Malik RA
Anas bin Maalik ibn Nadar al-Khazraji Al-Ansari (Arabic: أنس بن مالك الخزرجي الأنصاري, Birth CE612-CE712,or died 709 was a well-known sahabi (companion) of Rasulullah SAW. Anas ibn Malik was born 10 years before the Hijrah of Rasulullah SAW to the Bani Khazraj tribe of Madinah. He was present in Madinah during Rasulullah’s time there and afterwards. He was the longest lived of the Companions of Rasulullah SAW, having died 93 years after the Hijrah (about: 711 CE).Or Anas ibn Malik, was the last of the sahaba to die at al-Basrah in 93 AH aged 103.
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Anas’s father had opposed his wife's (Ummu Sulaim) converted to Islam. But opposition from the father of Anas had not to impede Ummu Sulaim step. Not how long, the father of Anas involved a dispute with someone so that finally killed. And Anas had become an orphan.
At the time when Rasulullah SAW hijrah (migrated) from Makkah, Anas and his mother looks very happy. The people of Madinah welcomed the arrival of Rasulullah SAW with droves. Many of those who gave a gift to h Anas ibn Malik, was the last of the Sahabah to die at al-Basra in 93 AH aged 103 and Ummu Sulaim saw all of these events with a sense of joy.
At the time of arrived a turn Ummu Sulaim had the opportunity meet with Rasulullah, Ummu Sulaim said, "O Rasulullah , the people of Ansar of both men and women have given the reward to your majesty. But I don't have something as a gift to your majesty, except my son. Therefore take him, so submissive to you to help what you want.” Rasulullah SAW was receiving with pleasure. Since then, Anas who were aged 10 years living with the family of Rasulullah SAW.
In the household of Rasulullah SAW that's Anas RA learning and catch sublimity of Rasulullah SAW Behavior. Anas RA witnessed and interact directly with him. Observed all behaviors and attitudes of the Rasulullah SAW and then practiced on by him. Abu Hurairah RA, said, "I never saw person who resembles prayer of Rasulullah SAW except at ibn Ummu Sulaim – Anas’s, mother.
In addition, ibn Sirin RA said, "Anas bin Malik RA is companions of Rasulullah SAW most excellent prayers, either in the house as well as in the time of Safar."
Anas bin Malik RA witnessed firsthand just how noble morals of Rasulullah SAW in everyday life. Anas bin Malik RA has said, "I follow Rasulullah SAW during his ten-year-old never though he said: "why did you create that way?", if I do something. If I didn't do a thing, Rasulullah SAW never said: "Why don't you do it?"
Anas bin Malik RA also once tells stories, "One day Rasulullah SAW tell me for such a purpose. I was out of Home. And on the streets I met children who were playing. I was soluble and come into play with them. I actually don't fulfill his order. Finished play, suddenly I think there is a person who stands behind me. I turned, it turns out to be Rasulullah SAW and then he holds my shoulder. While smiling he said: "O Anas, whether you have done my request?" I feel guilty, and answer; "Alright, I go now."
Rasulullah SAW call Anas with calls affectionately, "Unais", sometimes call "my son". Rasulullah SAW often gives advices to Anas. As he put it, “My son, if you're able to be in the morning and afternoon without malice in your heart to anyone, then do it .....! My son that is it included Sunnah, and he who revives my Sunnah, then he has loved me. And he who loves me then he will be in heaven with me. My son, if you get into the house then recite the greeting because it would bring in blessing be upon you and also for the occupants of your home.”
Anas bin Malik RA is Muslim who is godly, and obedient to an order of Rasulullah SAW. He did not fight in war of Badr, as he was still young. But Anas bin Malik follows other wars. Anas bin Malik RA participate in Yamamah’s war, where in this war he almost die when exposed to the latch from a hot iron thrown from the enemy fortification. But by the permission of Allah SWT, Anas had been rescued by his own brother Baro bin Malik RA.
He was a Mufti, Qari, Muhaddith and Islamic narrators. Anas bin Malik RA get a lots of knowledge from Rasulullah SAW, Saidina Abu Bakr RA, Saidina Umar Al Khattab RA, Saidina Uthman ibn Affan RA, Al-Hudair Mu’ad RA, Usaid, Abu Tholhah RA, his mother Ummu Sulaim RA, own aunt Ummu Haram RA and her husband Ubadah Ibn Abu Dharr RA, Shami RA, Malik bin Sha'sha'ah RA, Abu Hurairah RA, Fatimah Al Zarra RA and many more.
During the time of Saidina Abu Bakr Al Siddiq RA he ask Saidina Umar Al Khattab RA opinion regarding the inauguration Anas bin Malik RA became a clerk in Bahrain, then Saidina Umar Al Khattab RA praised him by saying, “He was a young boy who is smart, clever read and write as well as long time hanging out with Rasulullah SAW.”
Rasulullah SAW did pray for Anas Ibn Malik RA with prayer, "Allahumma Urzuqu Maalan WA Waladan WA Baarik Lahu” (O Allah, give him a wealth and offspring and bless his life)." Prayer of Rasulullah SAW was granted by Allah SWT and Anas was blessed with the age of up to 103 years. When Rasulullah SAW demised, Anas bin Malik RA still live up to eighty years later.
Because of his long age, Anas Ibn Malik RA once said, "No one is left (from a companions of Rasulullah SAW) who can still pray at the mosque Qiblatain except me." Anas bin Malik RA is also endowed with a lot of descent, i.e. 100 children and their grandchildren. When has completed reading Qur'an, he gathered his wife and children and then pray. Anas bin Malik RA is also endowed with enough treasure, so he became one of the richest young men from among the Ansar.
In the course of his life together with Rasulullah SAW for 10 years, Anas ibn Malik RA has been narrating of not less than 2286 hadith and is the third largest of companions of Rasulullah SAW in the hadith narrating.
For Anas bin Malik RA, the thing that most makes it sad is time of Rasulullah SAW died. If he earnestly remembered death of the Rasulullah SAW then he will so sad, so that people around him will also sad. Anas bin Malik said;
"I saw Rasulullah SAW when he came to us, and I saw him when he demise. Until now I haven't found the other day as both days. By the time he came to Madinah, he was able to light up the whole thing. And by the time he died, it seems everything becomes dark. The last time I met of Rasulullah SAW is on Monday when the curtain of his room opened. I saw his face seems like a sheets of paper. Then all the people standing behind Saidina Abu Bakr RA with looked towards Rasulullah SAW. They are almost no power of restraint. Then Saidina Abu Bakr RA gestured to them to be quiet. Then Rasulullah SAW meets his Allah at the end of the day. We have never seen a sight more quirky at us, exceeding the face of Rasulullah SAW when we entomb him.”
After the demised of Rasulullah SAW, Anas bin Malik RA went to Syam (Damascus- Syria). And from there he moved to Basra (Iraq). With the lessons he received from Rasulullah SAW, Anas Ibn Malik RA practice it in every places that he been to.
After undergoing his life about one century, Anas ibn Malik RA died in 91 Hijrah year. His last moments, he fell ill and he asked his family, "Teach me the phrase “Laa ilaaha illallah, Muhammadun Rasulullah." And he kept the reciting “Shahadah” sentence until the end of his life meeting his creator-Allah SWT.
At the time of his demise, Muwarriq RA said, "Has been lost half the science of. If there are people who like follow their desires and disputing with us, then we said to him, let us facing to the person who have heard directly from of Rasulullah SAW."
Anas ibn Malik RA is a maid of Rasulullah SAW which continuously loves Rasulullah SAW until the end of his life. Anas bin Malik RA is one of companions of Rasulullah SAW who fitly deserve to be an example. Anas bin Malik RA everlastingly desirous to meet of Rasulullah SAW moment in the afterlife. Anas bin Malik RA often said, "I hope can met of Rasulullah SAW on judgment day and i said to him: ‘O Rasulullah, this is your small helpmate, Unais.'"
Subhanallah ……… Hopefully we can take lessons from life's journey, of Anas ibn Malik RA
Listed below are only a portion of the Hadiths narrated by the helpmate of Rasulullah SAW, there are more than 2500 hadiths from Saidina Anas bin Malik RA.
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 2, Purity
Hadith no: 27
Narrated: Anas bin Malik RA
It was related to me from malik from Musa ibn Uqba from Abd ar-Rahman ibn Yazid al-Ansari that when anas ibn malik came back from Iraq, Abu Talha and Ubayy ibn Kab visited him. He brought them some cooked food and they ate, and then anas got up and did wudu. Abu Talha and Ubayy ibn Kab asked, "What's this, anas? Is it an Iraqi custom?" and anas said, "I wish I had not done it." (i.e. wudu). Abu Talha and Ubayy ibn Kab both got up and prayed without doing wudu.
Relevance: 9.0283
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 34, Sales and Trade
Hadith no: 305
Narrated: Ishaq bin Abdullah bin Abu Talha
I heard Anas bin Malik saying, "A tailor invited Allah's Rasul SAW to a meal which he had prepared. " Anas bin Malik RA said, "I accompanied Allah's Apostle to that meal. He served Rasulullah SAW with bread and soup made with gourd and dried meat. I saw Rasulullah SAW taking the pieces of gourd from the dish." Anas RA added, "Since that day I have continued to like gourd."
Relevance: 8.2111
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 5, Bathing (Ghusl)
Hadith no: 268
Narrated: Qatada from Anas bin Malik RA
anas bin malik said, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa'id said on the authority of Qatada that anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven).
Relevance: 8.0037
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 54, Jihaad (Fighting for the cause of Allah)
Hadith no: 106
Narrated: Ibn Aun
Once Musa bin anas while describing the battle of Yamama, said, "Anas bin Malik RA went to Thabit bin Qais, who had lifted his clothes from his thighs and was applying Hanut to his body. anas asked, 'O Uncle! What is holding you back (from the battle)?' He replied, 'O my nephew! I am coming just now,' and went on perfuming himself with Hanut, then he came and sat (in the row). anas then mentioned that the people fled from the battlefield. On that Thabit said, 'Clear the way for me to fight the enemy. We would never do so (i.e. flee) in the company of Allah's Apostle (SAW). How bad the habits you have acquired from your enemies!' "
Relevance: 7.8573
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 21, Prayer at Night (Tahajjud)
Hadith no: 235
Narrated: Qatada
Anas bin Malik RA said, "Rasulullah SAW and Zaid bin Thabit took their Suhur together. When they finished it, the Prophet stood for the (Fajr) prayer and offered it." We asked anas, "What was the interval between their finishing the Suhur and the starting of the morning prayer?" anas replied, "It was equal to the time taken by a person in reciting fifty verses of the Quran."
Relevance: 7.6414
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 10, Times of the Prayers
Hadith no: 507
Narrated: Ghailan
anas said, "I do not find (now-a-days) things as they were (practiced) at the time of Rasulullah SAW." Somebody said "The prayer (is as it was.)" Anas bin Malik RA said, "Have you not done in the prayer what you have done? Narrated Az-Zuhri that he visited anas bin malik at Damascus and found him weeping and asked him why he was weeping. He replied, "I do not know anything which I used to know during the life-time of Allah's Apostle except this prayer which is being lost (not offered as it should be)."
Relevance: 7.5777
Found In: Sunan Abu Dawood Chapter No: 2, Prayer (Kitab Al-Salat)
Hadith no: 673
Narrated: Abdul Hamid ibn Mahmud
I offered the Friday prayer along with anas ibn malik. We were pushed to the pillars (due to the crowd of people). We, therefore, stopped forward and backward. Anas bin Malik RA then said: We used to avoid it (setting a row between the pillars) during the time of Rasulullah SAW.
Relevance: 7.2596
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 1, The Times of Prayer
Hadith no: 11
Narrated: Malik
Yahya related to me from malik from Ibn Shihab that Anas bin Malik RA said, "We would pray asr and anyone who then went to Quba would arrive there while the sun was still high."
Relevance: 7.2297
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 13, Asking for Rain
Hadith no: 3
Narrated: Anas bin Malik
Yahya related to me from malik from Sharik ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Namir that Anas bin Malik RA said, "A man came to Rasulullah SAW and said, 'O Rasulullah, our animals are dying and our camels are too weak to travel, so make dua to Allah.' Rasulullah SAW made dua, and it rained on us from one jumuah to the next." Anas bin Malik RA continued, "Then a man came to Rasulullah SAW, and said, 'O Rasulullah!, our houses have fallen down, the paths are blocked, and our flocks are dying.' Rasulullah SAW said, 'O Allah, (only) the mountain and hill-tops, the valley bottoms, and the places where trees grow.' " Anas bin Malik RA added, "It cleared away from Madinah like a garment being removed." Anas bin Malik RA said, about a man who missed the prayer of asking for rain but caught the khutbah, and wished to pray in the mosque, or in his house when he returned, "He is free to do so, or not, as he wishes."
Relevance: 7.2195
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 1, The Times of Prayer
Hadith no: 10
Yahya related to me from malik from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha that Anas bin Malik RA said, "We would pray asr and anyone who then went to the Bani Amr ibn Awf would find them praying asr."
Relevance: 7.1754
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 26, Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Hadith no: 721
Narrated: Muhammad bin Abi Bakr Al-Thaqafi
I asked Anas bin Malik RA while we were proceeding from Mina to 'Arafat, "What do you use to do on this day when you were with Allah's Rasul ?" Anas bin Malik RA said, "Some of us used to recite Talbiya and nobody objected to that, and others used to recite Takbir and nobody objected to that."
Relevance: 7.068
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 28, Marriage
Hadith no: 15
Narrated:Imam Malik
Yahya related to me from Malik from Humayd at-Tawil that Anas bin Malik RA said, "A virgin has seven nights, and a woman who has been previously married has three nights." Malik affirmed, "That is what is done among us." Malik added, "If the man has another wife, he divides his time equally between them after the wedding nights. He does not count the wedding nights against the one he has just married."
Relevance: 7.0631
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 41, Distribution of Water
Hadith no: 548
Narrated: Az-Zuhri
Anas bin Malik RA said, that once a domestic sheep was milked for Allah's Rasul (SAW) while he was in the house of Anas bin Malik RA. The milk was mixed with water drawn from the well in Anas's house. A tumbler of it was presented to Rasulullah SAW who drank from it. Then Saidina Abu Bakr RA was sitting on his left side and a bedouin on his right side. When Rasulullah SAW removed the tumbler from his mouth, 'Saidina Umar RA was afraid that Rasulullah SAW might give it to the bedouin, so he said. "O Rasulullah SAW! Give it to Abu Bakr who is sitting by your side." But Rasulullah SAW gave it to the bedouin, who was to his right and said, "You should start with the one on your right side."
Relevance: 7.0202
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 48, Dress
Hadith no: 19
Narrated: Malik
Yahya related to me from malik that Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha said, "Anas bin Malik RA said, 'I saw Saidina Umar ibn al-Khattab RA when he was the Amir of Madinah. Three patches were sewn between his shoulders, one patched over the other.' "
Relevance: 7.0046
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 18, Fasting
Hadith no: 51
Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that Anas bin Malik RA used to pay fidya when he had grown old and could no longer manage to do the fast. Malik said, "I do not consider that to do so is obligatory, but what I like most is that a man does the fast when he is strong enough. Whoever pays compensation gives one mudd of food in place of every day, using the mudd of Rasulullah SAW.
Relevance: 6.9576
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 3, Prayer
Hadith no: 31
Yahya related to me from malik from Humayd at-Tawil that Anas bin Malik RA said, "I stood behind Saidina Abu Bakr RA and Saidina Umar Al Khattab RA and Saidina Uthman bin Affan RA and none of them used to recite 'In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate' when they began the prayer."
Relevance: 6.9558
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 15, The Two Festivals (Eids)
Hadith no: 87
Narrated: Muhammad bin Abi Bakr Al-Thaqafi
While we were going from Mina to 'Arafat, I asked Anas bin Malik RA, about Talbiya, "How did you use to say Talbiya in the company of Rasulullah?"Anas bin Malik RA said: "People used to say Talbiya and their saying was not objected to and they used to say Takbir and that was not objected to either."
Relevance: 6.8337
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 16, Witr Prayer
Hadith no: 116
Narrated: Asim
I asked Anas bin Malik RA about the Qunut. Anas bin Malik RA replied, "Definitely it was (recited)". I asked, "Before bowing or after it?" Anas bin Malik RA replied, "Before bowing." I added, "So and so has told me that you had informed him that it had been after bowing." Anas bin Malik RA said, "He told an untruth (i.e. "was mistaken," according to the Hijazi dialect). Rasulullah SAW recited Qunut after bowing for a period of one month." Anas bin Malik RA added, "Rasulullah SAW sent about seventy men (who knew the Quran by heart) towards the pagans (of Najd) who were less than they in number and there was a peace treaty between them and Rasulullah SAW (but the Pagans broke the treaty and killed the seventy men). So Rasulullah SAW recited Qunut for a period of one month asking Allah to punish them."
Relevance: 6.714
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 9, Shortening the Prayer
Hadith no: 29
Narrated: Malik
Yahya related to me from malik that Yahya ibn Said said, "I saw Anas bin Malik RA on a journey praying on a donkey facing away from the qibla. He did the raka'at and the sajda by motioning with his head, without putting his face on anything."
Relevance: 6.7083
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 9, Shortening the Prayer
Hadith no: 34
Narrated: Anas bin Malik RA
Yahya related to me from malik from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha from Anas ibn Malik RA that his grandmother, Mulayka, invited Rasulullah SAW, for food and he ate some of it. Then Rasulullah SAW, :said, "Get up and I will lead you in prayer." Anas bin Malik RA said, "I stood up and took a woven mat belonging to us that had become black through long use and sprinkled it with water, and Rasulullah SAW , stood on it. The orphan and I formed a row behind him, and the old woman stood behind us. He prayed two rakaat with us and then left."
Relevance: 6.5849
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 26, Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Hadith no: 816
Narrated: Abdul Aziz bin Rufai
I asked Anas bin Malik RA, "Tell me something you have observed about Rasulullah SAW concerning where he offered the Zuhr prayer on the Day of Tarwiya (8th Dhul-Hijja)." anas replied, "He offered it at Mina." I said, "Where did he offer the Asr prayer on the Day of Nafr (day of departure from Mina)?" He replied, "At Al-Abtah," and added, "You should do as your leaders do."
Relevance: 6.5502
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 2, Purity
Hadith no: 33
Yahya related to me from Anas bin Malik RA from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha that Anas ibn Malik RA said, "I saw Rasulullah SAW, on one occasion when the asr prayer was at hand . Everyone was looking for water for wudu but no-one could find any. Then Rasulullah SAW , brought some water in a vessel . He put his hand into the vessel and then he told them all to do wudu from it." Anas Bin Malik RA added, "I saw water coming out from his fingers. Then all of them to the last man did wudu."
Relevance: 6.4354
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 47, Good Character
Hadith no: 14
Narrated: Anas bin Malik
Yahya related to me from malik from Ibn Shihab from anas ibn malik that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Do not be angry with each other and do not envy each other and do not turn away from each other, and be slaves of Allah, brothers. It is not halal for a muslim to shun his brother for more than three nights."
Relevance: 6.4113
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 19, Itikaf in Ramadan
Hadith no: 14
Ziyad related to me from malik from Humayd at-Tawil that 'Anas ibn Malik RA said, "Rasulullah SAW, came out to us in Ramadan and said, 'I was shown a certain night in Ramadan and then two men abused each other and it was taken away. Look for it on the ninth and the seventh and the fifth.' "
Relevance: 6.404
Found In: Sahih Muslim Chapter No: 4, Prayers (Kitab Al-Salat)
Hadith no: 789
Narrated: Abu Talha
that he had heard anas b. malik narrating this.
Relevance: 6.4002
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 28, Marriage
Hadith no: 51
Yahya related to me from Anas bin Malik RA that Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha heard anas ibn malik say that a certain tailor invited Rasulullah SAW, to eat some food which he had prepared. Anas Bin Malik RA said, "I went with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to eat the food. He served barley bread and a soup with pumpkin in it. I saw Rasulullah SAW, going after the pumpkin around the dish, so I have always liked pumpkin since that day."
Relevance: 6.3704
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 10, Times of the Prayers
Hadith no: 550
Narrated: Qatada
Anas bin Malik RA said, "Rasulullah SAW and Zaid bin Thabit took the 'Suhur' together and after finishing the meal, the Prophet stood up and prayed (Fajr prayer)." I asked anas, "How long was the interval between finishing their 'Suhur' and starting the prayer?" He replied, "The interval between the two was just sufficient to recite fifty 'Ayat." (Verses of the Quran)."
Relevance: 6.3203
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 4, Ablutions (Wudu')
Hadith no: 213
Narrated: Amr bin Amir
anas said, "Rasulullah SAW used to perform ablution for every prayer." I asked Anas bin Malik RA, "What you used to do?' anas replied, "We used to pray with the same ablution until we break it with Hadath."
Relevance: 6.3156
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 17, Invoking Allah for Rain (Istisqaa)
Hadith no: 126
Narrated: Sharik bin Abdullah bin Abi Namir
I heard Anas bin Malik RA saying, "On a Friday a person entered the main Mosque through the gate facing the pulpit while Rasulullah SAW was delivering the Khutbah. The man stood in front of Rasulullah SAW and said, 'O Rasulullah!!The livestock are dying and the roads are cut off; so please pray to Allah for rain.' " Anas bin Malik RA added, "Rasulullah SAW raised both his hands and said, 'O Allah! Bless us with rain! O Allah! Bless us with rain! O Allah! Bless us with rain!' " anas added, "By Allah, we could not see any trace of cloud in the sky and there was no building or a house between us and (the mountains of) Sila." Ans bin Malik RA added, "A heavy cloud like a shield appeared from behind it (i.e. Sila' Mountain). When it came in the middle of the sky, it spread and then rained." Anas bin Malik RA further said, "By Allah! We could not see the sun for a week. Next Friday a person entered through the same gate and at that time Rasulullah SAW was delivering the Friday's Khutbah. The man stood in front of him and said, 'O Rasulullah! The livestock are dying and the roads are cut off, please pray to Allah to with-hold rain.' " Anas bin Malik RA added, "Rasulullah SAW I raised both his hands and said, 'O Allah! Round about us and not on us. O Allah! On the plateaus, on the mountains, on the hills, in the valleys and on the places where trees grow.' So the rain stopped and we came out walking in the sun." Sharik asked Anas bin Malik RA whether it was the same person who had asked for the rain (the last Friday). Anas bin Malik RA replied that he did not know.
Relevance: 6.3081
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 53, Greetings
Hadith no: 5
Narrated: Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha
Yahya related to me from malik from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha that Anas ibn Malik RA heard Umar ibn al-Khattab RA return the greeting of a man who greeted him. Then Saidina Umar RA asked the man, "How are you?" He said, "I praise Allah to you." (Ahmadu ilayka Allah) Saidina Umar Al Khattab RA said, "That is what I wanted from you."
Relevance: 6.2361
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 49, The Description of Rasulullah SAW.
Hadith no: 30
Narrated: Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha
Yahya related to me from Anas bin Malik RA from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha that Anas bin Malik RA said, "I saw Saidina Umar ibn al-Khattab RA when he was Amir al-Mukminin being given a sa of dates, and he ate all of them, even the inferior ones." Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Dinar RA that Abdullah ibn Umar RA said, ''Saidina Umar ibn al-Khattab RA was asked about locusts. He said, 'I would like to have a basket of them, from which we could eat.' "
Relevance: 6.1662
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 56, Speech
Hadith no: 24
Narrated: Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha
Anas bin Malik RA related to me from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha that Anas bin Malik RA said, "I heard Saidina Umar ibn al-Khattab RA, when I was going out with him to visit an orchard, say to himself, and there was a wall between him and me and he was inside the garden, 'Saidina Umar ibn al-Khattab, Amir al-Mukminin! Well done! Well done! By Allah, fear Allah or he will punish you.' "
Relevance: 6.1537
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 20, Hajj
Hadith no: 43
Yahya related to me from Anas bin Malik RA that Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr ath-Thaqafi once asked Anas bin Malik RA, while the two of them were going from Mina to Arafat, "What did you use to do on this day when you were with Rasulullah SAW?" He said, "Those of us who were saying the talbiya would continue doing so, and no-one disapproved of it, and those of us who were saying 'Allahu akbar' would continue doing so, and no-one disapproved of that either."
Relevance: 6.1352
Found In: Sunan Ibn Majah Chapter No: 14, The Chapters on Business Transactions
Hadith no: 2296
Narrated: Muslim Al-Mulai
that he heard Anas bin Malik RA say: "The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to accept the invitation of a slave."
Relevance: 6.1306
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 8, Prayers (Salat)
Hadith no: 377
Narrated: Ishaq
Anas bin Malik RA said, "My grand-mother Mulaika invited Allah's Rasul for a meal which she herself had prepared. He ate from it and said, 'Get up! I will lead you in the prayer.' " Anas bin Malik RA added, "I took my Hasir, washed it with water as it had become dark because of long use and Allah's Rasul stood on it. The orphan (Damira or Ruh) and I aligned behind him and the old lady (Mulaika) stood behind us. Allah's Rasul led us in the prayer and offered two Rak'at and then left."
Relevance: 6.1144
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 45, Madina
Hadith no: 10
Narrated: Anas bin Malik
Yahya related to me from malik from Amr, the mawla of al-Muttalib from Anas bin Malik RA that Rasulullah SAW, saw Uhud and said, "This is a mountain which loves us and we love it. O Allah! Ibrahim made Makka Haram, and I will make what is between the two tracts of black stones (in Madinah) a Haram."
Relevance: 6.1021
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 49, The Description of the Prophet, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace
Hadith no: 17
Narrated: Anas bin Malik
Yahya related to me from malik from Ibn Shihab from anas ibn malik that Rasulullah SAW, was brought some milk which was mixed with well-water. There was a Bedouin at his right side and Abu Bakr as-Siddiq on his left. He drank and then gave it to the Bedouin and said, "The right-hand to the right-hand."
Relevance: 6.09
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 8, Prayers (Salat)
Hadith no: 383
Narrated: Abu Maslama
Said bin Yazid Al-Azdi: I asked Anas bin Malik RA whether Rasulullah SAW had ever, prayed with his shoes on. He replied "Yes."
Relevance: 6.0667
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 31, Fasting
Hadith no: 161
Narrated: Thabit Al-Bunani
Anas bin Malik RA was asked whether they disliked the cupping for a fasting person. He replied in the negative and said, "Only if it causes weakness."
Relevance: 6.0042
Found In: Sunan Ibn Majah Chapter No: 24, The Chapters on Blood Money
Hadith no: 2692
Narrated: Ata bin Abu Maimunah
"I only know it from Anas bin Malik RA who said: 'No case involving retaliation was referred to Rasulullah SAW but he enjoined forgiveness."
Relevance: 6.0042
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 18, Fasting
Hadith no: 23
Yahya related to me from malik from Humayd at-Tawil that Anas ibn Malik RA said, "We once travelled with Rasulullah SAW, in Ramadan, and those who were fasting did not find fault with those who were not, and those who were not fasting did not find fault with those who were."
Relevance: 5.9651
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 52, Visions
Hadith no: 1
Narrated: Anas bin Malik
Yahya related to me from malik from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha al-Ansari from Anas ibn Malik RA that Rasulullah SAW, said, "The good dream of a man who is salih is a forty-sixth part of prophecy." Yahya related the like of that to me from Malik from Abu'z-Zinad from al-Araj from Abu Hurayra from Rasulullah SAW, may Allah bless him and grant him peace
Relevance: 5.9534
Found In: Sunan An-Nasai Chapter No: 1, The Book of Purification
Hadith no: 230
Narrated: Abdullah bin Jabr
“I heard Anas bin Malik RA say: ‘"Rasulullah SAW used to perform Wudu with a Makkuk and Ghusl with five Makkuks.’” (Sahih)
Relevance: 5.9429
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 17, Invoking Allah for Rain (Istisqaa)
Hadith no: 127
Narrated: Sharik
Anas bin Malik RA said, "A person entered the Mosque on a Friday through the gate facing the Daril-Qada' and Allah's Rasul was standing delivering the Khutbah (sermon). The man stood in front of Rasulullah SAW and said, 'O Allah's Rasul, livestock are dying and the roads are cut off; please pray to Allah for rain.' So Rasulullah SAW raised both his hands and said, 'O Allah! Bless us with rain. O Allah! Bless us with rain. O Allah! Bless us with rain!" anas added, "By Allah, there were no clouds in the sky and there was no house or building between us and the mountain of Silas'. Then a big cloud like a shield appeared from behind it (i.e. Silas Mountain) and when it came in the middle of the sky, it spread and then rained. By Allah! We could not see the sun for a week. The next Friday, a person entered through the same gate and Allah's Rasul was delivering the Friday Khutbah and the man stood in front of him and said, 'O Allah's Apostle! The livestock are dying and the roads are cut off; Please pray to Allah to withhold rain.' " Anas bin Malik RA added, "Allah's Rasul raised both his hands and said, 'O Allah! Round about us and not on us. O Allah!' On the plateaus, on the mountains, on the hills, in the valleys and on the places where trees grow.' " anas added, "The rain stopped and we came out, walking in the sun." Sharik asked Anas bin Malik RA whether it was the same person who had asked for rain the previous Friday.Anas bin Malik RA replied that he did not know.
Relevance: 5.9223
Found In: Sunan An-Nasai Chapter No: 1, The Book of Purification
Hadith no: 73
Narrated: Abdullah bin Jabr
“I heard Anas bin Malik RA say: Rasulullah SAW used to perform Wudu with a Makkuk (cup) and Ghusl with five Makkuks (cups).'” (Sahih)
Relevance: 5.8828
Found In: Sunan An-Nasai Chapter No: 2, The Book of Water From Al-Mujtaba
Hadith no: 346
Narrated: Abdullah bin Jabr
“I heard Anas bin Malik RA say: Rasulullah SAW used to perform Wudu' with a Makkuk (cup) and Ghusl with five Makkuks (cups).'” (Sahih)
Relevance: 5.8828
Found In: Sunan An-Nasai Chapter No: 9, The Book of the Qiblah
Hadith no: 776
Narrated: Abu Maslamah
(whose name was Saeed bin Yazid, a trustworthy Basri) told us: “I asked Anas bin Malik RA: ‘Did Rasulullah SAW pray in sandals?’ He said: ‘Yes.’” (Sahih)
Relevance: 5.8828
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 4, Ablutions (Wudu')
Hadith no: 199
Narrated: Thabit
Anas bin Malik RA said, "Rasulullah SAW asked for water and a tumbler with a broad base and no so deep, containing a small quantity of water, was brought to him whereby he put his fingers in it." anas further said, ' noticed the water springing out from amongst his fingers." anas added, ' estimated that the people who performed ablution with it numbered between seventy to eighty."
Relevance: 5.8574
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 42, Drinks
Hadith no: 13
Yahya related to me from malik from Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha that Anas ibn Malik RA said, "I was serving wine to Abu Ubayda ibn al-Jarrah and Abu Talha al-Ansari and Umayy ibn Kab. The wine had been prepared from crushed ripe dates and dried dates. Someone came to them and said, 'Wine has been made haram.' Abu Talha ordered me to go and take the jugs and break them. I stood up and went to a mortar of ours and I struck them with the bottom of it until they broke."
Relevance: 5.7621
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 20, Hajj
Hadith no: 256
Narrated: Anas bin Malik
Yahya related to me from malik from Ibn Shihab from anas ibn malik that the Rasulullah SAW, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, entered Makka, in the Year of Victory, wearing a helmet, and when he took it off a man came to him and said, "Rasulullah SAW, Ibn Khatal is clinging to the covers of the Kaba,'' and the Rasulullah SAW, said, "Kill him."Malik commented, "The Rasulullah SAW, was not in ihram at the time, and Allah knows best."
Relevance: 5.728
Found In: Sahih Bukhari Chapter No: 49, Gifts, The superiority of giving and extortion of
Hadith no: 811
Narrated: Ibn Shihab Az-Zuhri
Anas bin Malik RA said, "When the emigrants came Madinah, they had nothing whereas the Ansar had land and property. The Ansar gave them their land on condition that the emigrants would give them half the yearly yield and work on the land and provide the necessaries for cultivation." His (i.e. anas's mother who was also the mother of A'bdullah bin Abu Talha, gave some date-palms to Allah' Apostle (SAW) who gave them to his freed slave-girl (Um Aiman) who was also the mother of Usama bin Zaid. When Rasulullah SAW finished from the fighting against the people of Khaibar and returned to Medina, the emigrants returned to the Ansar the fruit gifts which the Ansar had given them. Rasulullah SAW also returned to Anas's mother the date-palms. Rasulullah SAW gave Um Aiman other trees from his garden in lieu of the old gift.
Relevance: 5.7023
Found In: Sahih Muslim Chapter No: 1, Faith (Kitab Al Iman)
Hadith no: 10
Narrated: Thabit
that Anas bin Malik RA said: We were forbidden in the Holy Qur'an that we should ask about anything from Rasulullah SAW and then Anas bin Malik RA reported the hadith in similar words.
Relevance: 5.6188
Found In: Sunan An-Nasai Chapter No: 6, The Book of the Times (of Prayer)
Hadith no: 499
Narrated: Hamzah Al-Aidhi
“I heard Anas bin Malik RA say: ‘When Rasulullah SAW halted, he would not move on until he had prayed Zuhr.’ A man said: ‘Even if it was the middle of the day?’ He said: ‘Even if it was the middle of the day.’” (Sahih)
Relevance: 5.615
Found In: Sunan An-Nasai Chapter No: 6, The Book of the Times (of Prayer)
Hadith no: 500
Narrated: Khalid bin Dinar Abu Khaldah
“I heard Anas bin Malik RA say: ‘When it was hot, Rasulullah SAW would wait until it cooled down to pray, and when it was cold he would hasten to pray.’” (Sahih)
Relevance: 5.5906
Found In: Sunan Ibn Majah Chapter No: 7, The Chapters of Establishing the Prayer and the Sunnah Regarding Them
Hadith no: 1353
Narrated: Qatadah
"I asked Anas bin Malik RA about the recitation of Rasulullah SAW and he said: ‘He used to elongate his voice.’" Hasan
Relevance: 5.5906
Found In: Sunan Ibn Majah Chapter No: 11, The Chapters on Marriage
Hadith no: 1910
Narrated: Sufyan Ibn Uyainah
from Ali bin Zaid bin Judan from Anas bin Malik RA who said: "I attended a wedding feast for Rasulullah SAW in which there was no meat and no bread."
Relevance: 5.5906
Found In: Sunan at-Tirmidhi (Jami-al-Tirmidhi) Chapter No: 2, Salah (Prayers)
Hadith no: 400
Narrated:Anas bin Malik RA
Saeed ibn Yazid Abu Salamah asked Sayyyidina Anas ibn Malik (RA),“did Allah’s Rasul pray with his sandals on.’ He said “Yes!” [Ahmed 11976, Bukhari 386, Muslim 555, Nisai 771]
Relevance: 5.5465
Found In: Sunan Ibn Majah Chapter No: 1, The Book of the Sunnah
Hadith no: 264
Narrated: Yusuf bin Ibrahim
‘I heard Anas bin Malik RA say: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: “Whoever is asked about knowledge and conceals it, will be bridled on the Day of Resurrection with reigns of fire.’” (Hasan)
Relevance: 5.4943
Found In: Imam Malik's Muwatta Chapter No: 49, The Description of Rasulullah SAW, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace
Hadith no: 19
Narrated: Malik
Yahya related to me from malik that Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Talha heard anas ibn malik say that Abu Talha had said to Umm Sulaym, "I have just been listening to Rasulullah SAW, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and his voice was very weak. I recognised hunger in it, so, do you have anything?" She replied, "Yes," and brought out some barley loaves. She took her long head scarf and wrapped up the bread with part of it and put it into my (Anas Bin Malik RA) hand and gave me part of it to wear. Then she sent me to Rasulullah SAW, may Allah bless him and grant him peace." anas continued, "I took it, and I found the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sitting in the mosque with some people. I watched them. Rasulullah SAW, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Did Abu Talha send you?' I replied, 'Yes.' He said, 'For food?' I said, 'Yes.' Rasulullah SAW, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said to those with him, 'Let us go.' He set off and I went among them until I came to Abu Talha and told him. Abu Talha said, 'Umm Sulaym! Rasulullah SAW, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, has brought people and we have no food. What shall we give them to eat?' She said, Rasulullah SAW know best.' " Anas continued, "Abu Talha went out and met Rasulullah SAW, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and Rasulullah SAW, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, approached with Abu Talha until they entered. Rasulullah SAW, said, 'Come now, Umm Sulaym, what have you got?' She brought out bread. Rasulullah SAW, ordered it to be broken into pieces, and Umm Sulaym squeezed out onto it a container of clarified butter which she had seasoned. Rasulullah SAW said whatever Allah wished him to say, and said, 'Will you give permission for ten of them to come in?' He gave them permission, and they ate until they were full and then left. He said, 'Give permission to ten more.' He gave them permission, and they ate until they were full and left. Then he said, 'Give permission to ten more.' He gave them permission and they ate until they were full and left. Then he said, 'Give permission to ten more.' He gave permission and they ate until they were full and left. There were seventy or eighty men."
Relevance: 5.4667
Found In: Sunan Abu Dawood Chapter No: 1, Purification (Kitab Al-Taharah)
Hadith no: 171
Narrated: Abu Asad bin Amr
I asked Anas b. Malik RA about ablution. He replied: Rasulullah SAW performed ablution for each prayer and we offered (many) prayers with the same ablution.
Relevance: 5.4032
Companion: Anas bin Malik RA
Cool!! A new young Anas Malik from Romania.