Importance that the Sahabah RA -
Attached to Unity
This chapter highlights
how the Sahabah RA attached great importance to unity in word and in
deed and how they abstained from dissension and dispute in matters
that had ramifications on Da'wah to AlIah SWT and His Rasulullah SAW
and matters of Jihad.
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The Unity of Ummah - Is a must -Wajib for Muslimin. |
Statements of the Sahabah
Concerning the Evil of Dissension
The Statement of Saidina Abu Bakr RA
Concerning Dissension
Ibn Is'haaq reports the
historic sermon that Saidina Abu Bakr RA delivered in the orchard
of the Banu Saa'idah. Saidina Abu Bakr RA said, "It is not
permissible for the Muslim to have two leaders. As soon as this
happens, dissension springs up in all their affairs and all the
commands issued. Their unity is then fragmented and they start to
fight amongst themselves. At this point, the Sunnah is forsaken,
Bid'ah rears is ugly head and anarchy intensifies. No one can then
set matters right." (1)
The Statement of Saidina Umar RA
Concerning Dissension
In the narration
discussing the scenario before the pledge of allegiance was "taken
at the hand of Abu Bakr RA, Saalim bin Ubayd RA states that someone
from the Ansar said, "(Who do we not appoint) A leader from
amongst us (Ansar) and another from amongst you (Muhaajireen)."
Saidina Umar RA responded to this by saying, "Two swords in
one sheath!? They will never fit." (2)
The Sermon of Abdullah bin Mas'ud RA
He Warned about the Dangers of
Abdullah bin Mas'ud RA
once said, "0 people! You should hold fast to obedience to your
leader and preserving your unity because unity is the rope of Allah
SWT, that Allah SWT has commanded you to hold fast to. What you
dislike in staying united is much better than what you like in being
divided, In everything that Allah SWT has created, He has also
predetermined its end. Islam is thriving right now and the time will
soon come when it will also draw near to its end. It will then
flourish and weaken until the Day of Qiyaamah. The sign of this is
extreme poverty. Poverty will be so great that a poor man will not
find anyone to give him anything and even a rich man will not regard
what he has to be sufficient for him. In fact, a person will place
his need before his blood brother and cousin, but none will give him
The situation will be so
bad that a beggar will beg from Friday to Friday without anyone
putting anything in his hand. When matters reach this ebb, a
splitting sound will emerge from the earth, which will lead the
people of every area to think that it is coming from the ground
beneath them. There will then be silence for as long as Allah SWT
wills, after which the earth will stir and start to vomit out all her
prized possessions." When someone asked Abdullaah bin Mas'ud RA
what the prized possessions of the earth are, he replied, "Pillars
of gold and silver. From that day onwards, none shall benefit form
gold and silver until the Day of Qiyamah."
Another narration states
that Abdullaah bin Mas'ud RA said, "Family ties will be
severed to the extent that the rich will only fear poverty and the
poor will have none to show compassion towards him. In fact, even if
a person has to place his need before his own brother or cousin, none
would show a bit of sympathy to give him a thing."
The Statement of Abu Dharr RA
Concerning Dissension
A man related that they
once took some things for Abu Dharr RA. However, when they reached
Rabdha (the place where he lived) and asked for him, he was not
available. Someone told them that Abu Dharr RA had requested (the
Ameerul Mu'mineen) to perform Hajj and had received permission. The
men then left for Mina (where they found him). They were once sitting
in his company when someone informed him that (the Ameerul Mu'mineen)
Saidina Uthmaan RA had performed four Rakaahs salah (in Mina) (3).
This upset Abu Dharr RA greatly and he had strong words to say.
He also said, "When
I performed salah behind Rasulullaah SAW (in
Mina) , he performed only two Rakaahs salah. I then
performed salah behind Abu Bakr RA and Umar RA (both of whom also
performed two Rakaahs)." (Despite saying this) Abu Dharr RA
then stood up (when the salaah was performed) and performed four
Rakaahs salaah (behind Saidina Uthmaan RA).
Muslim Unite For the sake of Allah SWT and Nabi SAW. |
Someone said to him,
''You have just
criticised the Amirul Mu'minen but you now do the same thing he did?"
Abu Dharr RA replied, "Causing dissension (by opposing the
Amirul Mu'minen) is even worse. I have heard Rasulullaah SAW say,
'There shall be kings after me. Never disgrace them because whoever
ventures to do so will have taken off the rope of Islam from his neck
and cast it away. The repentance of such a person will never be
accepted until he fills the void he has created (by repairing the
damage he has done to the Deen) , which he will be unable to do and
he then returns to the ranks of those who honour the king.'
Rasulullaah SAW has commanded us not to allow the kings to overpower
us with regards to three factors (although we should honour them,
this should not prevent us from three things):
(1) that we enjoin
people to do good, (2) that we prevent them from evil and (3) that we
teach them the Sunnah.,,(l)
TabraanL Haythami (Vol. 7 Pg.328) has commented on the chain of
Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vo1.9 Pg.249).
Hadhrat Uthmaan ~ had married in Makkah and had intended to stay a
few Jays in Makkah,
of which he was not a Musaafir
The Statement of Abdullah bin Mas'ud
Qataadah narrates that
Rasulullaah SAW, Saidina Abu Bakr RA and Saidina Umar RA all
performed two Rakaahs (Fardh) salaah in Makkah and in Mina. Saidina
Uthmaan RA also used to do this during the initial years of his
Khilafah. However, he then started performing four Rakaahs. When this
news reached Abdullaah bin Mas'ud RA , he recited "Innaa
Lillaahi wa Innaa Ilayhi Raaji'oon" but (when the salaah was
performed), he then stood up and performed four Rakaahs salaah
(behind Saidina Uthmaan RA). Someone said to him, "You have just
recited 'Innaa Lillaahi wa Innaa Ilayhi Raaji'oon' but you have
performed four Rakaahs salaah?" Abdullaah bin Mas'ud RA
replied, "Causing dissension (by opposing the Amirul Mu'mineen)
is even worse." (2)
The Statement of Hadhrat Ali RA
Concerning Dissension, Bid'ah, Unity
and Disunity.
Saidina Ali RA , once
said (to the people), "Continue doing as you have been doing
(during the terms of the previous Khalifahs) because I hate disunity.
Either people remain an undivided nation or I die (without seeing any
disunity) as my companions (Saidina Abu Bakr RA), Saidina Umar RA and
Saidina Uthmaan RA) had passed away." For this reason Ibn Seerin
RA was of the opinion that most of the narrations that some people of
extreme viewpoints narrated from Saidina Ali RA were false (they
fabricated narrations to cause more disunity). (1) Hadhrat
Saleem bin Qais Aamiri narrates that IbnuI Kawwaa once asked Hadhrat
Ali ~~ about the Sunnah, Bid'ah, unity and disunity. HadhratAli .~
"0 IbnuI Kawwaa!
Just as you have memorised the question, so too should you remember
the reply. By Allah, the Sunnaah is the way of Rasulullaah ~ while
Bid'ah is everything that contradicts it. By Allaah, unity is the
consensus of the people of truth even though they may be few while
disunity is the consensus of the people of falsehood even though they
may be many." (2)
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Pray to Allah for Muslim Unity |
Bayhaqi (Vo1.8 Pg.145).
TabraanL Haythami (Vol. 7 Pg.328) has commented on the chain of
Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vo1.9 Pg.249).
Hadhrat Uthmaan ~ had married in Makkah and had intended to stay a
few Jays in Makkah,
of which he was not a Musaafir
Ahmad, Haythami (Vo1.5 Pg.216) has commented on the chain of
- Abdur Razzaaq, as quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (VolA Pg.242).