
Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA


illustration only, Abu Habal Muslim Awsaja ra.

Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA

Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was a companion of Rasulullah . Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA assisted Muslim ibn Aqeel RA in Kufa. Then Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA joined Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA army with his family. Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was killed in battle of Karbala.

Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA, is Muslim son of Awsaja son of Sa'd son of Tha'laba son of Dudan son of Asad son of Khuzayma al-Asadi. His Kunya is Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA. Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was a companion of Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA. Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA and Habib ibn Madhahir both were from the tribe of Banu Asad.

Abu Hajal Muslim b. ‘Awsaja RA was a brave warrior among Arab Muslims who fought alongside other Muslims in conquering Azerbaijan and other battles. He was martyred in the beginning of the Battle of Karbala.

Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was the commander of the tribes of Banu Asad and Madhhij in Kufa, at the time that Muslim b. ‘Aqeel RA began an uprising in this city. Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA attended the Battle of Karbala with his family and his son was martyred in the battle, too.

Abu Hajal Muslim b. ‘Awsaja RA was a companion of Rasulullah ﷺ. Rasulullah in his lifetime and narrated hadith form him. Abu Hajal Muslim b. ‘Awsaja RA was a brave warrior whose name is mentioned in the battles and conquests of Muslims.


In Kufa

Muslim b. ‘Aqeel RA traveled to Kufa before the Battle of Karbala. When he arrived in Kufa, Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA supported him with weaponry and tried to take oath of allegiance for Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA.

According to a number of narrations, when Muslim bin ‘Aqeel RA arrived in Kufa at first he went to Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA’s house. People gathered there to take oath of allegiance. They swore to Allah they would defend Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA to their last breath. They sent letters to Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA about the allegiance of people. Then Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA began his travel to Kufa. Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA played a crucial role in all these events.

Name and Lineage

Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA. Sa’d ibn Tha’laba, Dudan ibn Asad RA. Khuzayma al-Asadi was also a companion of Saiyidina Ali RA Ibn Abi Talib and Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA, Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA and Habib b. Muzahir both were from the tribe of Banu Asad. Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was an honorable man who was famous for worship, fairness and generosity.


Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA supported Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA ambassador, Muslim ibn Aqeel RA, in Kufa with weaponry and tried to take oath of allegiance for Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA.

The spy of Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad, Ma'qil found the safe house of Muslim ibn Aqeel RA through Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA. Consequently, Hani ibn Urwa RA who sheltered Muslim ibn Aqeel RA in his house was arrested. Then Muslim ibn Aqeel RA to organizing an army chose Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA as commander of Banu Asad and Madh'hij and some other commanders. Soon after Hani ibn Urwa RA and Muslim ibn Aqeel RA were killed by Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad. Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA hid in a safe house for a while. Afterward, he joined Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA army with his family in Karbala.

The Night before Ashura

At Tasu'a night, Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA told his soldiers:

You are allowed to leave Karbala and your promises and oath of allegiance have served well so far, you are not obligated to stay for the battle.

Then, some companions proclaimed their allegiance and loyalty to Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA over again. After the descendants of Banu Hashim, Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was the first one who said:

Oh, Abu Abd-Allah! We would never leave you alone. How it is possible to bring excuses to Allah? O, by Allah, never! We will never leave you alone; I will never give up; I will slay the enemies with my spear and sword until it drops on the ground; then I stone them. By Allah , I would never leave you alone until I fulfill my duties to Allah and defend the descendants of Rasulullah . O, by Allah, if I am perished, I would reborn, and then if I am burnt and turned into ashes, I would reborn; and if it happens seventy times I would reborn and fight for you until I am martyred for you. I would never leave you as I know I will be perished once. Consequently, eternal prosperity and dignity would be mine.

His motto in the battle of Karbala

He repeatedly expressed this motto in the battle of Karbala:

If you desire to know me, I am brave as a lion; my lineage goes back to Banu Asad. If you treat me with tyranny, you are strayed from the right path, and you are guilty of ingratitude toward Allah .

It should be noted that Asad means lion.



Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was the first one who was killed in the battle of Karbala before Amr ibn Qartah RA. He was about 70 years old.

  Other Standpoint

In Kufa, Muslim b. ‘Aqeel RA traveled to Kufa before the Battle of Karbala. When he arrived in Kufa, Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA supported him with weaponry and tried to take oath of allegiance Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA.

According to a number of narrations, when Muslim b. ‘Aqeel RA arrived in Kufa at first he went to Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA house. People gathered there to take oath of allegiance. They swore to Allah they would defend Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA to their last breath. They sent letters to Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA about the allegiance of people. Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA began his travel to Kufa. Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA played a crucial role in all these events.


The spy of ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad, Ma’qil, found the safe house of Muslim b. ‘Aqeel RA through Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA.


After Hani b. ‘Urwa was arrested, Muslim b. ‘Aqeel RA chose commanders for his army in order to organize the soldiers; he assigned Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA as the commander of Banu Asad and Madhhij.


Following the arrest and martyrdom of Hani b. ‘Urwa and Muslim b. ‘Aqeel RA, Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA decided to hide in a safe house. Then after the arrival of Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA, Saiyidina Hussain joined the army with his family in Karbala.


In Karbala

According to some narrations Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA wife and children attended the Battle of Karbala. As historians said: “Khalaf b. Muslim b. ‘Awsaja, his brave son, were fighting alongside his father in the Battle of Karbala until finally he was martyred in the battle. According to some reports: a young boy came out of the tents while his mother was after him; the boy was Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA’s son.’

The Night before ‘Ashura’

At the night before ‘Ashura’, Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA told his soldiers: you are allowed to leave Karbala and your promises and oath of allegiance have served well so far, you are not obligated to stay for the battle. Then, some companions declared their loyalty to Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA over again. After the descendants of Banu Hashim, Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was the first one who said:

Oh, Abu ‘Abd Allah! We would never leave you alone. How is it possible to bring excuses to Allah? O, by Allah, never! We will never leave you alone; I will never give up; I will slay the enemies with my spear and sword until it drops on the ground; then I stone them. By Allah, I would never leave you alone until I fulfill my duties to Allah and defend the descendants of Rasulullah O, by Allah, if I am perished, I would reborn, and then if I am burnt and turned into ashes, I would reborn; and if it happens seventy times I would reborn and fight for you until I am martyred for you. I would never leave you as I know I will be perished once. Consequently, eternal prosperity and dignity would be mine.

Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA expressed gratitude to each one of them and returned his tent.


The Day of ‘Ashura’

As Al-Shaykh al-Mufid said: Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA and his soldiers dug a trench around the rear part of their tent and set fire inside it. After seeing the flaming fire, Shimr b. Dhi l-Jawshan shouted: O Hussain! You are preparing fire of this world for yourself before the judgment day?! Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA replied: Who is that man? Is he Shimr b. Dhi l-Jawshan? Then Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA referred to Sura Maryam, verse 70 and said: “O goatherd boy! You deserve flames of Hell! Then Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was ready to kill Shimr with an arrow and asked for Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA’s permission; however Imam rejected his request and said: I do not want to commence the battle.


His Motto in the Battle

The mystical and knowledgeable mottos of Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA should be highly regarded, which represent his deep understanding of the principles of Ahl al-Bayt (a). He repeatedly uttered this motto in the battles:

If you desire to know me, I am brave as a lion; my lineage goes back to Banu Asad. If you treat me with tyranny, you are strayed from the right path, and you are guilty of ingratitude toward Allah.


After fighting the enemy soldiers in the Battle of Karbala Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA had numerous injuries and he was bleeding heavily, then he fell on the ground. Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA and Habib b. Muzahir came by his side. Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA said: May Allah have mercy on your soul. Then he recited the verse:

“Faminhum man qaza nahbahu wa minhum man yantaziru wa ma baddalu tabdila (Of them (believers) some have completed their vow to (the extreme) and some still wait, but they have never changed (their determination) in the past.)”

Al-Ahzab, verse 23.

Then Habib b. Muzahir said to him: “your loss is hardly tolerable to me, but I give glad tidings to you on Paradise”. Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA replied with difficulties: May God send his blessing on you. Habib replied: I wish I could carry out what you desire as your will. Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA replied: “I advise you to defend Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA to your last breath and never give up trying”. And Habib replied: I accomplish what you desire and I will make you delighted.

Muslim b. ‘Abd Allah al-Dabai and ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Khushkara have perished Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA in the Battle of Karbala.

According to Ziyarat al-Shuhada’, Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA was the first one who was martyred in the Battle of Karbala. And Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA promised him salvation by the name of Allah. While those who participated in the martyrdom of Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja RA are cursed by Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA.


The name of Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA was mentioned in the Ziyarat of Saiyidina Hussain ibn Saiyidina Ali RA in 15th of Sha’ban and other ones.