Anas RA narrates that
Abu Musa Ash'ari RA sent him to give the news of the conquest of
Tustar to Saidina Umar RA. He says that Saidina Umar RA asked him
about what had happened to six members of the Bakr bin Waa'il tribe
who had forsaken Islam and proceeded to live with the Mushrikin.
Anas RA replied, "0 Amirul Mu'minin! They have renounced Islam
and joined up with the Mushrikin. Their only treatment is their
To this Saidna Umar RA
said, "I prefer getting hold of them alive and well to all the
gold and silver in the world." Anas RA asked, "0 Ammirul
Mu'minin! What would you do with them if you got hold of them alive?"
Saidina Umar RA replied,
"I would present to them the door from which they left so that
they may re-enter it. If they accept, I would accept it from them,
otherwise 1 would hand them over to the prison."
Abdur Rahmaan Al Qaari
reports that Abu Musa Ash'ari RA once sent a person to Saidina Umar
RA . When Saidina Umar RA, asked the person about the condition of
the people, he duly replied. When Saidina Umar RA asked the person
if there were any recent developments, he said, "Yes, 0 Amirul
Mu'minin! A person who had become a Muslim, reverted to kufr."
What did you do with him," asked Saidina Umar RA'We called him
and executed him," came the reply. Saidina Umar RA said, "Why
did you rather not imprison him for three days, feed him bread each
day and encourage him to repent? He may then have repented and
re-entered Allah's Deen, O! Allah! I was not present there. 1 did
not command it and am not pleased with it now that it has come to my
Hadhrat Amr bin Al Aas RA once wrote
to Ammirul Mu'minin Saidina Umar RA to ask him what was to be done
about a person who had reverted to kufr after accepting Islam, then
accepted Islam again, only to return to kufr. This he had done
several times already. "Should his Islam be accepted from him
again?" This was the question Arnr bin A1 Aas RA posed.
In response, Saidina Umar RA wrote
back, "As long a s Allah SWT accepts the Islarn of a person, you
should do the same. You should therefore present Islam to him again.
If he accepts, you should set him free, otherwise you may execute
that the narrators in the report of ~ Ahmad narrators of authentic
Ahaadeeth. Tabraani
also reported a similar narration from Miqdaad RA.
Abdur Razzaaq a s quoted in Kanzul Ummaal (Vol.1 Pg.79). Bayhaqi a s
also reported a similar
(Vo1.8 Pg.207).
Maalik, Shaati'ee, Abdur Razzaaq, Abu Ubayd in his Ghareeb and
Bayhaqi (Pg.207).
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