“I witness that he is walking here
and there in
Paradise and his lame leg is set
Rasulullah SAW”
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The Battle of Uhud- The Martyr of Amr ibn Al Jamuh RA |
During the ]ahiliyyah
days, or the Days of Ignorance, when Madinah was still called
Yathrib, the inhabitants of this city used to worship many idols.
Islam had not yet come to Yathrib and its people thought that these
idols were partners with Allah SWT. They made statues of these "gods"
and people liked to have these statues in their homes. After a time,
they began to worship the statues themselves. They believed them to
have magical powers and they believed that they could hear and
sometimes even speak.One of the people
who believed in idols was a man named 'Amr ibn al-Iarnuh, He was very
serious about his belief.
His idol, which was named
Manat, was made of the most expensive wood of the day. It was kept in
a special room which was only for the purpose of its worship. He took
very good care of it, perfuming it with the most exquisite scents,
rubbing it with oils and burning incense before it. He used to make
sacrifices to it and seek its help at difficult moments in his life.
Now 'Amr was one of the leaders of Yathrib in the time of jahiliyyah.
He became the chief of Banu Salamah. He was also one of the most
generous and valiant men of the city. He was a kind and responsible
person. But he couldn't bear any criticism of his idol or of his love
for it. He went on worshipping it most of his life. When he was
already an old man, over sixty, with white hair and a lame foot,
Islam started penetrating the homes of Yathrib. One after the other,
its citizens embraced Islam through the first ambassador, Mus'ab ibn 'Umair RA.
The Perseverance in Seeking Martyrdom - Ibn Al Jamuh. |
'Amr's three sons,
Mu'awwadh, Mu'adh and Khallad became Muslims at Mus'ab's hand, as did
a friend of theirs named Mu'adh ibn Jaball'RA. 'Amr's son Mu'adh ~
was even one of those who went to take the hand of Rasulullah SAW at
the second covenant of al-Aqabah. Not only had 'Amr's sonsaccepted
Islam; even his wife Hind RA had become a Muslim. But 'Amr did not
know about all of this. Hind ~ saw that Islam had won over the people
of Yathrib, and that only her husband and a few others were left
unconvinced. She loved and respected her husband very much and feared
that he might die in a state of Kufr (unbelief) and end up in the
Fire. She and her three sons were very worried about him.
At the same time, 'Amr
was afraid that his children would abandon their ancestors' religion
to follow the teachings of Mus'ab ibn 'Umair RA. Mus'ab RA, was so
convincing that he had, within a short span of time, persuaded a lot
of people to turn away from their old religion to the faith of the
Prophet SAW. He was determined to keep his family worshipping in the
old way, which he thought was best.
He said to his wife, "Make sure,
Hind, that none of your sons meets this man Mus'ab RA before we can
make a final opinion of him ourselves." This put Hind ~ in a
difficult position. She could not lie to her husband, but she wanted
him to understand what was happening. So she replied,
"I will. But concerning this man,
can't you just hear what your son Mu'adh has to say?" 'Amr was
very upset, and said in a loud voice, "Has Mu'adh turned away
from our religion without talking things over with me?!" The
woman felt sad for her husband, who was so sincere, and said, "Not
at all. He has only attended some of his meetings and
memorized some of his sayings."
'Amr told her to bring their son at
once. When he came, 'Amr asked him to recite some of the sayings of
the man from Makkah. His son, very happy that at least his father was
ready to discuss the subject, recited al-Fatihah. After he had heard
it, 'Amr was truly impressed. "How perfect these words are and
how beautiful! Is everything that he says as good as this?"
Mu'adh ~ replied, "Yes, Father. It
would be wonderful if you would follow him. All of your family
already has!" The old man was silent. After a while he said, "I
must consult our goddess Manat and see what she says." The son asked,
"What can Manat say, Father? It is only a piece of wood. It
can't think, it can't speak...it can't do anything."
Because he sensed
disrespect in his son, the old man repeated with anger, "I said
I shall consult her!"So 'Amr went to the idol of Manat. It was
the tradition of the people of Yathrib that when they wanted the
advice of the idol, they used to place a certain woman behind a
curtain that was in back of the idol. She was supposed to go into a
trance and then say what the idol would inspire her to say.
'Amr called for this
woman and then prepared to stand before his idol. What he did not
know was that his wife had met the woman outside and drove her away
from the house. 'Amr stood before his idol on his lame foot. After
praising it he said, "0 Manat, you surely know that this man who
came from Makkah is your enemy. He came to turn us away from you. I
don't want to follow him without consulting you, although his sayings
are beautiful. So advise me what to do."
But Manat did not answer.
So 'Amr continued to talk and to ask questions. No reply came. At
last he decided to let the idol wait for a few days. Perhaps it was
angry. He thought he would put off any decision until later. 'Amr's
sons knew how attached their father was to Manat. It was like a part
of him. They didn't want to hurt their respected father, who was
indeed a very good man. But they knew that his soul wasat stake. They
realized that the idol's power over him was shaken, and that they
might be able to take it away by force and thus open his path to
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The Limping Martyr of Uhud. |
By this time, Rasulullah
SAW had come to Yathrib and they felt even stronger in their
convictions. 50 they decided to act. Being young men, they thought of
a very funny solution. 'Amr's sons and their friend Mu'adh ibn Jabal
RA came late at night to the special room where the idol was kept.
They were very quiet so as not to wake anybody. They took the idol
Manat and threw it into the sewage pit belonging to their tribe, Banu
5alamah. They then hurried back home without being seen. They went to
sleep, looking forward to what might happen. The next morning, 'Amr
went to give morning greetings to his idol, but he found it missing.
He asked who had attacked his idol by night but nobody answered.
He searched for it
everywhere, indoors, outdoors, shouting and threatening, until at
last he found it lying face down in the filthy sewage pit. He cleaned
the idol, purified and perfumed it lovingly, then put it back in its
place and said, "Truly, if I only knew who did this to you, I
would beat him very severely!" The next night the young men
crept into thehouse and took Manat again, and again the next morning the old man
searched for it and found it in the dirty hole and cleaned it.
The young men kept doing so every night until 'Arm got really angry. He then hung a sword around the idol's neck and said, "0 Manat, I don't know who is doing this to you but if you have any power, defend yourself! Here is a sword for you!" And he went to sleep. When the sons and their friend were sure that the father was asleep, they took the sword off the idol's neck. Then they tied the idol with a rope to a dead dog. They threw them both into the dirty pit.
The young men kept doing so every night until 'Arm got really angry. He then hung a sword around the idol's neck and said, "0 Manat, I don't know who is doing this to you but if you have any power, defend yourself! Here is a sword for you!" And he went to sleep. When the sons and their friend were sure that the father was asleep, they took the sword off the idol's neck. Then they tied the idol with a rope to a dead dog. They threw them both into the dirty pit.
In the morning, the old
man found his idol lying face down, tied to a dead dog in the pit. It
was without the sword. This time he left it where it lay and cursed
it, saying, "You cannot even defend yourself! How can you be a
god?! You are nothing but a piece of wood." Later that day he
accepted Islam.
'Amr tA was an eloquent
poet. After he realized the foolishness of idol-worship he composed
these verses:
By God! Had you been a
goddess then the
dead dog would not have
been tied to you with a
rope in a pit.
Curses be on you - you
were lying in a filthy
place. How wretched was
Had I not been there to
save you, you would
have been there still,
upside down.
Allah, the Glorified,
guided me before I was
sent to the darkness
ofthe grave.
All praises for Allah
Most Great Who is
Benefactor, Provider
and Lord of the Day of
Desire to Meet Allah SWT
'Amr ~ tasted the sweetness of Islam, he regretted very much the time
he had wasted in idolatry. He went, full of enthusiasm, and placed
his body, his soul, his money and his sons at the service of Allah
SWT and His Messenger SAW; Before long, 'Amr RA saw his sons
preparing themselves to confront the enemies of Islam, looking
forward to obtaining martyrdom in the Battle of uhud. Seeing this,
'Amr's heart was on fire to join them, and he decided to go with them
on Jihad under the leadership of Rasulullah SAW. But the young men
were against this. Not only was he too old but he was also crippled
with a lame foot.
told him that surely Allah SWT would excuse him for his age and his
lameness. Why would he take this burden on himself when Allah SWT had
exempted him? Out of their fear for his life,they continued arguing
with him. However, their father would not listen to them at all.
'Arm's sons went to Rasulullah SAW and told him the situation. The
Prophet SAW said they could explain to their father that due to his
age and condition, he was not obligated to perform jihad.
young men said that they had done their best to explain this to their
father, but he wouldn't listen. Rasulullah SAW then asked them to
bring their father to him, so that he might explain that he need not
fight, and that hopefully Allah c;l~ would reward his intention. 'Amr
~, determined to stand by his decision, went to the Prophet SAW,
complaining, "0 Rasulullah, my sons want to keep me away from
the source of Goodness, arguing that I am crippled. By Allah, I hope
to step into jannah with my lame foot! For the sake of Allah SWT,
allow me to accompany you!"
SAW said to the sons, "Let him go. Maybe Allah will grant him
martyrdom." And they obeyed. Joyfully, the venerable old man
returned to his home and prepared for battle. When the time came to
go out, 'Arm ~ said a last goodbye to his wife. Then he turned
towards the Qiblah, raised his hands and said, "0 Allah, bless
me with martyrdom; do not send me back to my family with my hopes
dashed!" Then he took offwith his three sons and a large number
of his people, the Banu Salamah.
battle raged at the foot of Mount 'Uhud and, after some time, it
turned against the Muslims. Many people fled in fear and panic. But
'Arm RA was seen in the front ranks, jumping on his healthy foot and
shouting, "I desire Paradise, I desire Paradise!" His son
Khallad RA was behind him. Both father and son remained fighting
until they fell in the battlefield, taking the rank of martyr,
Shahid, only a few minutes apart.
this battle, 'Arm's brother-in-law was also martyred. When Hind RA
received the news of the martyrdom of her husband, her son and her
brother, she first asked after the welfare of the Prophet SAW is,
When they told her he was well, she went to him and said, "If
you are safe, all calamities are reduced to nothing." Then she
had all three bodies of her family members placed on a camel, and she
began to direct it towards Madinah. On the way, she met one of the
wives of Rasulullah SAW is, 'A'ishah RA, who was going with other
women to look after the Prophet SAW is. Hind RA was able to tell her
that Rasulullah is was alive and not severely injured.
she told her that here on the camel were the bodies of her husband,
son and brother who had all been martyred in the battle.At that
instant, the camel, as if it had heard her, sat down and would not
budge. No matter what they did, it would not move. 'A'ishah RA
thought perhaps the camel was overloaded, but Hind RA explained that
it was used to carrying more than this. At last they gave up, raised
the camel and turned toward 'Uhud. The camel stood and walked
willingly. Hind RA carried all the three bodies to Rasulullah SAW.
He asked her whether any of them had said anything while leaving the
RA said that on leaving the house, her husband had prayed, "0
Allah, bless me with martyrdom; do not send me back to my family with
my hopes dashed!" As he looked at 'Amr RA lying in the sand, he
SAW said, "When certain slaves of Allah SWT swear for a certain
purpose, Allah SWT fulfills their desire. 'Amr is among such slaves.
I witness that he is walking here and there in Paradise and his lame
leg is set right." Rasulullah SAW ordered that all the the
martyrs of 'Uhud be buried at the site of the battle without washing.
He said to his companions,
them with their blood and wounds - I am their witness. Any Muslim
wounded for the sake of Allah SWT will come on the Day of Judgment
with his blood running, its color like saffron (deep gold) and its
smell like musk (the best of scents)." He added,"Bury 'Amr
ibn al-Iamuh RA with 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr RA as they were sincere
friends." This is why the camel turned around. It is said that
six months later, 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr's RA son excavated the grave to
shift his father's body to some other place. The bodies of both the
friends were found as fresh as the day they were buried.
at Hadhrat ‘Amr’s desire to die in the path of Allah . It was
their love and devotion for Allah and his Nabi SAW that led the
Sahaabah to the height of success. Even after his death, ‘Amr
wanted to remain in the battle-field and therefore the camel refused
to take his body back to Madinah.
Allah SWT bless 'Amr ibn al-jamuh RA, his family and his friends,
martyrs of Uhud. May their graves be illuminated with light of