
Abu Mahzurah RA - The Muezzin رضي الله عنه,

Abu Mahdhura - Aws b. Mi'yar b. Lawzan al-Jumahi (d. 59/678-79) is a Companion and one of the muezzins of Masjid al-Haram. He belongs to Jumah clan of Quraysh. Since he was known by the nickname Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, it is debatable what his name and his father’s name were. It is claimed that his name was Salman, Samura, Sumayr or Salama and that his father’s name was Umayr.
Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه became a Muslim in the year when Makkah was conquered after he met Rasulullah  in Jiranah.
Illustration Only = The Muezzin calling for  prayer
The incident that caused Abu Mahzurah  رضي الله عنه to become a Muslim took place as follows:
Rasulullah was returning from the Siege of Taif to Jiranah. When it was time to pray, the muezzin started to call the adhan. Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه and ten youths of Quraysh, who nursed a grudge and enmity against Rasulullah , hid somewhere when they heard the adhan and started to call the adhan aloud by imitating the sound of the muezzin and mocking him. Rasulullah  noticed that one of them had a very nice voice and called them; he made them call adhan again.

Rasulullah  liked the sound of Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, who called adhan last, and taught him how to call adhan; then, when it was time for the next prayer, Rasulullah patted his head and ordered him to call the adhan. Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه fulfilled this order unwillingly; Rasulullahgave him some silver coins and prayed for him. Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, whose heart warmed toward Islam, became a Muslim there. He asked Rasulullah to appoint him as the muezzin of Masjid al-Haram. Rasulullah accepted his request and told Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه to go to Attab b. Asid رضي الله عنه, the governor of Makkah, tell him about his new duty.

Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه called adhan in the Kaaba with Bilal al-Habashi until Rasulullah  left Makkah. Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه never cut the part of his hair, that Rasulullah patted, over his forehead due to his respect. Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه continued calling adhan in Makkah until he died in 59 H (678-79 AD). After his death, his sons and grandsons called adhan in Makkah for centuries.

Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه knew the names of the ancestors of Qurayshis very well. His wife, Umm Abdul Malik, his son , Aswad b. Yazid an-Nahai, Abdullah b. Muhayriz, Ibn Abu Mulayka and others reported hadiths from him. Eight narrations of his, all of which are related to the Rasulullah s teaching him adhan, are included in Ahmad b. Hanbal's Musnad.

One of those narrations is included in Sahih Muslim and the others in the four Sunan of Kutub as-Sitta.

Illustration Only - The Muezzin Calling for prayer

Another version about Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه 

A child called Abu Mahzurah RA was making fun with the muezzin (the Caller to Prayer) by imitating Him. Rasulullah called him and said to him with a serious and soft manner as if he had not realized his mockery with the adhan:
Let us hear you call an adhan here too.”
Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, who was embarrassed, called an adhan by using all of his skill. Rasulullah corrected the incomplete and mistaken parts of his adhan and put a few coins to his pocket and said to him by patting his back:
Let it be blessed…” Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه was still taken aback by his compliment and remittance. Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, asked permission to be a muezzin in Makkah and got it. Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, was going to be the muezzin of Makkah for years. (16)

Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, who mocked Adhan eventually became Rasulullah muezzin.
Imam Ahmad said, narrated to us that Soon ibn Ubadah, told us Ibn Juraij, told us Abdul Aziz ibn Abdul Malik ibn Abu Mahzurah, that Abdullah ibn Muhairiz had told him the following hadith, while he was an orphan under the protection of Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه,. He said, "I once said to Abu Mahzurah," O my uncle, I will certainly go to Syam, and I would like to ask you about the Adhan you have done. "

Abdullah ibn Muhairiz continues his story: Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, answered him with a positive response, then recounted that he had traveled with a number of people, and when he and his friends were on the road leading to Hunain, Rasulullah  on his way back of Hunain.

Then we ( Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, and his companions) met Rasulullah on the way. Then Rasulullah  called Adhan for prayers near RasulullahAnd we heard the sound of Adhan as we began to move away from him, and we shouted aloud to imitate the sound of the Adhan in mockery of the adzan's voice. It turned out that Rasulullah heard our voice, and he sent us a messenger, and we were finally brought before him. Rasulullah asked, "Who among you has heard my voice before me?" So the people who were with Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه warned him and they were right. Rasulullah released everything, while Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, was detained, and he said, "Stand up and cry out!"

Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, said, "Then I had to stand up. There was nothing I could do besides Rasulullah and what he commanded me. Then I stood before Rasulullah and Rasulullah himself taught me the Adhan sentence, namely;

"Allah is Great, Allah is Great. I testify that there is no God but Allah, I testify that there is no God but God, I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. to success, to success, to God the Great, to the Great God, there is no God but God. "

When I had finished summoning Adhan, Rasulullah saw me and gave me a bag containing some silver coins. "Then he placed his hands on the Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه,'s tiles, and wiped them up to his face, then dropped to both sides of his chest, his heart beating. Rasulullah reached the center of Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, and said: "May Allah bless you, and may Allah bless your deeds."

Then I (Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه,) said, "O Messenger of Allah, command me to be a pilgrim in Makkah." Rasulullah said, "I have commanded you to do this work." Since that time all his hatred for Rasulullah has vanished and the incident has changed, his whole soul has become deeply in love with Rasulullah.

Then he came to Attab ibn Usaid, An Amil of Rasulullah in Makkah, and he became a devotee in prayer with Attab ibn Usaid at the behest of Rasulullah.

Abdul Aziz ibn Abdul Malik said he had told him the same thing. "Everyone I met from my family who met Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, told the same story that Abdullah ibn Muhairiz told me." The same thing has been narrated by Imam Ahmad.
A Muslim priest in his book of Sahih and Ahlus Sunan whose four people recite it through the path of Abdullah ibn Muhairiz, from Abu Mahzurah رضي الله عنه, whose name is Samurah ibn Muir ibn Luzan, one of the four mu'adzin of Rasulullah. He was a Makkan mu'adzin for a long time.
p / s: Look at the way Rasulullah preached, filled with peace and wisdom. Unlike most of us today who are quick to talk, talk, curse, and so forth.

- TDV. İslam Ansiklopedisi, Abu Mahdhura item.
- M. Asım Köksal, İslam Tarihi, Köksal Yayıncılık: 7/117-119
-(Musnad, 3/408-409; Abdurrazzaq, Musannaf, 1/458)
-(Abdurrazzaq, Musannaf, 1/458-459; Ahmad b. Hanbal. Musnad, III/408)
-(Ibn Sa'd, Tabaqat, 5/450; Dhahabi, Siyaru A'lamin-Nubala, 3/78)
-(see Musnad, 3/408-409; 4/401)
-[Excerpt from Imam Ibn Katsir - Interpretation of Ibn Katsir, Surah al-Maa-idah, verse 58]
(see Musnad, 3/408-409; 4/401)