About a
Sahabi RA who was punished for Adultery .
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Back Biting Theoot of all Evils. |
Abu Hurayrah
RA narrates that a Sahabi from the Banu Aslam tribe once approached
Rasulullah SAW and four times (on different occasions) confessed that
he had illegal intercourse with a woman. However, Rasulullah SAW
ignored his confession each time. The narration then continues to the
point where Rasulullah SAW finally gave the instruction for him to be
stoned to death. (After he was stoned,) Rasulullah SAW overheard one
of the Sahabah saying to another, "Look at this man! Where as
Allah had concealed him, he did not leave himself to be until he was
stoned like a dog."
SAW did not respond to the remark and walked on for a while. When
they passed by the carcass of an ass whose one leg was raised in the
air, Rasulullah SAW called for the two men. When they presented
themselves, said to them, "Dismount and eat from that carcass."
Their response was, "0 Nabi of Allah, May Allah forgive you! Who
can eat from that?" Rasulullah SAW said, 'What you just backbite
about your brother is worse than eating that carcass. I swear by the
Being Who controls my life that at this moment he is diving in the
rivers of jannah." (2)
Munkadir narrates that when Rasulullah SAW had a woman stoned,
someone remarked, "All her deeds are destroyed!" to this,
Rasulullah SAW responded by saying, 'While the punishment absolved
her of the sin, you will be taken to task for what you have said!'
Narrations of Aishah RA and Zaid bin Aslam.
Safiyya RA and another Lady. Aishah RA narrates that she once said
to Rasulullah SAW "It will suffice you to know that Safiyya is
like that!" Narrators of the report say that Aishah RA was
referring to the fact that Safiyya RA was short. Rasulullah SAW
then reprimanded Aishah RA saying, "Should the words you spoke
be mixed with the ocean, it would surely spoil it."
RA also reports that when she once imitated someone, Rasulullah SAW
said that he would not like her to imitate someone in front of him
even in exchange for an abundance of wealth. (I)
A narration of Abu Dawood states that the camel of Safiyya RA once
fell ill. Because Zainab RA had extra riding camels, Rasulullah SAW
asked her to give one to Safiyya RA. Zainab RA however responded by
saying, "Should I give my camel to that Jewess!" This
angered Rasulullah SAW so much that he did not go to Zainab RA for
the months of Dhul Hijjah, Muharram and a part of Safar. (2)
Another narration(3)
states that Rasulullah SAW kept away from her for the two months of
Dhul Hijjah and Muharram or perhaps even three months. Zainab RA says
that she had even lost hope of Rasulullah SAW ever returning to her.
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RA says, "I was once with Rasulullah SAW when I remarked that a
certain woman wore a long hem. 'Spit out!' Rasulullah SAW
exclaimed, 'Spit out!' When I spat, it was a piece of meat that came
out." (4) Zaid
bin Aslam RA reports that Rasulullah SAW wives once gathered to see
Rasulullah SAW during the illness in which he passed away. Safiyya
binti Huyay RA said, "0 Nabi of Allah ! By Allah! I wish that I
should rather be suffering what you are suffering." (Taking her
words to be insincere,) The other wives then started winking at each
other. seeing them do this, Rasulullah SAW told them all to rinse
their mouths.
they inquired what it was they were required to rinse off, Rasulullah
SAW replied, "Your winking at the expense of your companion. I
swear by Allah SWT that she is sincere in what she said." (5)
Rasulullah SAW rebukes some sahabah RA for their Backbiting. Abu
Hurayrah RA narrates that when a particular Sahabi RA once stood up
(and left), some of the Sahabah RA remarked, "What a feeble
person he is, 0 Rasulullah" (or they said, "What a weak
person he is!"). To this, Rasulullah SAW admonished, "You
have backbitten your friend and eaten his flesh." A narration of
Tabraani states that when a Sahabi RA got up to leave, the others
noticed that he did so very feebly. "How very feeble is her"
they commented. Rasulullah SAW immediately said, "You have eaten
your brother's flesh and backbitten him."
bin Jabal RA report a narration similar to the above with the
addition that the Sahabah RA (who passed the remark) enquired, "0
Rasulullah SAW We have stated only what is truly his nature."
Rasulullah SAW explained, "(That is still backbiting because he
would not like to hear this, however) If you had mentioned what was
not actually in him, you would then be guilty of slandering him."
bin Amr RA reports that some of the Sahabah RA once passed a remark
about a particular Sahabi RA saying, "He will never eat until
he is fed and will not ride unless the animal is saddled for him (he
is very lazy}." "You have backbitten him," Rasulullah
SAW scolded. "0 Rasulullah!" they submitted, "But we
have only stated what is truly his nature." Rasulullah SAW
replied, "It is enough to backbite that you merely mention a
fault that your brother truly has within him." (2)
bin Mas'ud RA narrates that they were once with Rasulullah SAW when
a Sahabi RA got up to leave. After he had left, someone then spoke
ill of him. "Repent," Rasulullah SAW instructed. "What
should I repent for?" the person queried. Rasulullah SAW
replied, "Because you have eaten your brother's flesh."
narration states that Rasulullah SAW instructed, "Pick your
teeth". "What should I pick them for, 0 Rasulullah?"
the person queried, "I have not eaten any meat?" (4)
The Incident of Two Ladies who ruined their fasts by
Anas ~~~ reports that Rasulullaah ~ once instructed them to fast,
making it clear that none was to end the fast until he permitted
them. The Sahabah RA then observed the fast. By the evening, a man
came and said, "0 Rasulullah I have been fasting all day, so
permit me to end the fast." Rasulullah SAW gave him permission.
In this manner, people continued coming until a man came and said, "0
Rasulullah SAW! Two young ladies from your family have fasted all day
and are too shy to come to you (for permission to end the fast), so
do grant them permission to terminate their fasts." Rasulullah
SAW ignored the man. When the man repeated himself, Rasulullah SAW
again ignored him. When he again repeated himself, Rasulullah SAW
again ignored him. When he did so yet again, Rasulullah SAW still
ignored him.
Rasulullah SAW said, "The two of them definitely did not fast.
How can a person fast when he has spent this day eating the flesh of
people? Go and tell them that if they really have fasted, they should
vomit." The man returned to them and when he informed them (of
Rasulullah's SAW instruction), they both vomited clots of blood. The
man then reported back to Rasulullah SAW who said, "I swear by
the Being Who controls my life that if it had remained in their
bellies, the Fire of ]ahanam would have consumed both of them."
narration states that when the man told one of the ladies to vomit,
she vomited blood, puss and meat which half filled a cup. When he
then told the other lady to vomit, she vomited blood, puss and fresh
meat which then filled the cup. Rasulullah SAW then said, "The
two of them fasted (abstained) from what Allah SWT had made lawful
for them (food and drink) but then terminated their fasts with that
which Allah SWT had forbidden for them (backbiting). The one sat with
the other and started eating the flesh of other people." (2)
Nu'aym in his Hi/ya (VoU Pg.94), reporting from reliable sources as
confirmed by Haythami
(Vol. 7
(2) Abdur
Razzaaq and Abu Dawood, as quoted in KanzuJ UmmaaJ (Vol.3 Pg.93). Ibn
Hibbaan has also
a similar narration in his Saheeh, as quoted in Targheeb wat
T(1arheeb (Vol.4 Pg.288).
has also reported the narration briefly in his Adab (Pg.108)
andHaafidh has confirmed
. its
authentidty from Ibn Hibbaan in Fat'hul Baari (Vol.lO Pg.361).
- Abdur Razzaaq, as quoted in KanzuJ UmmaaJ (Vo!.3 Pg.93).
(1) Abu
Dawood, Tirmidhi and Bayhaqi.
Targheeb wat Tarheeb (VolA Pg.284).
Sa'd (Vol.8 Pg.127).
(4) Ibn
Abi Dunya, as quoted in Targheeb wat Tarheeb (VolA Pg.284l.
(5) Ibn
Sa'd (VoL8 Pg.128), as quoted in lsaabah (VolA Pg.348l. Ibn Sa'd has
also reported a similar
from Hadhrat Ataa in (Vo1.2 Pg.313l.
Targheeb wat Tarheeb (Vo1.4 Pg.285). Haythami (Vol.8 Pg.94) has
commented on the chain of
Tabraani. Haythami (Vol.8 Pg.94) has commented on the chain of
Isbaaani, as quoted in Targheeb wat Tarheeb (VolA Pg.285l.
(3) Ibn
Abi Shaybah and Tabraani, as quoted in Targheeb wat Tarheeb (VolA
Majma'uz zawaa'id (Vol.8 Pg.94).