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The Prophet's SAW - Dua'
of blessings for 'Abd-ar-Rahman ibn' Auf RA accompanied him his whole
life. He became the most wealthy of the Sahabah. His business kept
growing. His caravans rivaled the old summer and winter caravans of
the Quraish. Hundreds of camels, under his name and direction,
continued coming to al Madinah, bringing to its people wheat, flour,
oils, clothes, pottery, brass, perfumes and everything they ever
needed. Then, they would leave again, transporting the excess of the
city's production, primarily dates.
One day, a huge caravan
of seven hundred camels belonging to 'Abd-ar-Rahrnan ibn' Auf RA
arrived in Madinah. As it entered the city, it was accompanied by the
bustle and commotion that was always
present at the arrival of
a caravan. This time, however, the noise was so loud that the earth
began to shake. When 'A'ishah RA asked? The noise was coming from
the caravan of 'Abd-ar-Rahman ibn 'Auf RA seven hundred camels
carrying wheat, flour and food! She then announced, "May Allah
bless what He gave him in this world and the reward in the world to
come will be greater, for I heard Rasulullah SAW say,
"Abd-ar-Rahman ibn 'Auf RA will enter the Jannah crawling."
Before the camels had
knelt down, someone delivered the news of what 'A'ishah RA had
proclaimed to 'Abd-ar-Rahman ibn 'Auf RA about his entering the
Jannah. He dropped everything and rushed to the house of 'A 'ishah
When he was admitted he
asked, "0 Mother, did you hear Rasulullah SAW saying that?"
"Yes," she
He was so happy that he
said, "If I could, I would like to enter it walking. Be my
witness, Mother-of all Mukminin. these camels with their loads and
their saddles shall be donated for the sake of Allah SWT !"
From that great day on,
when he learned that he was one of those Rasulullah SAW had seen in
the Jannah, 'Abd-ar-Rahman ibn 'Auf ~ spent even more money for the
Muslims. Some of these deeds included giving two hundred ounces of
gold as Sadaqah, carrying Mujdhidin in the way of Allah SWT on five
hundred horses, and then carrying other Mujdhidin on one thousand,
five hundred camels or horses.
Alhamdu-li-llah, all this
money did not change or deceive 'Abd-ar-Rahman ibn 'Auf RA. When he
was seen among his slaves, people could not distinguish him from
them. He did not dress in a gaudy manner, nor did he dress his slaves
poorly. Rather, he and his slaves dressed the same, as is ordered in
the Qur' an.