
Mu’aiqîb bin Abi Fathimah ad-Dausi رضي الله عنه

Among the Companions of Rasulullahﷺ who were involved in the Badr War was Mu'aqîb ad-Dausi رضي الله عنه.

He is Mu'aiqîb bin Abi Fatima ad-Dausi رضي الله عنه. That's how history books mention him, without a complete line as usual. Has embraced Islam for a long time. After embracing Islam, he left Makkah to emigrate. He was among the Muslims who emigrated to Habasyah. Then they continued their emigration to Medina, following the muhajirin who had emigrated to Madinah first.

As stated previously, Mu'aqîb ad-Dausi رضي الله عنه was one of the Muslims who took part in the Battle of Badr and several other jihad fi sabîlillâh. He was also counted among the people who pledged allegiance to the Prophet ﷺ in Baitur Ridhwân.

The Battle of Badr is one of the most important historical episodes in Islamic history which occurred in the 2nd year of the AH. It was the first battle that was accompanied by Rasulullahﷺ along with his loyal companions, Rasulullahﷺ, in facing polytheist troops from Makkah. In that war, Allah Azza wa Jalla won the Muslims over those who disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger with a resounding victory, because their numbers were much smaller than the polytheists and were not ready to carry war equipment.

Allah Azza wa Jalla said:

وَلَقَدْ نَصَرَكُمُ اللَّهُ بِبَدْرٍ وَأَنْتُمْ أَذِلَّةٌ ۖ فَاتّ َقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ

Indeed, Allah has won you in the Battle of Badr, even though you were (at that time) weak people. Therefore, put your trust in Allah, so that you will be grateful to Him

[Ali ‘Imrân/3:123]

Responsibilities Carried by Mu'aqîb رضي الله عنه.

During the caliphate of Sayidina Abu Bakr ash-Shiddîqرضي الله عنه and Sayidina 'Umar bin Khatthâb رضي الله عنه, the caliphs trusted Mu'aqîb ad-Dausi رضي الله عنه as the person in charge of the Baitul Mal. He also holds the ring of Rasulullahﷺ.

At that time, he was suffering from judzâm (a kind of leprosy), then Caliph 'Umar bin Khathâb رضي الله عنه ordered several healers to treat him, and bi idznillâh, they stopped the spread of the disease by rubbing the soles of his feet with hanzhal fruit.

In connection with the ring of Rasulullahﷺ which was in the hand of Mu'aqîb رضي الله عنه, it was from his hand that the ring fell into the well of Arîs during the caliphate of 'Utsmân bin 'Affân رضي الله عنه and was finally lost and never found again.

Hadits Mu’aqîb Ad-Dausi From Rasulullah

Mu'aqîb ad-Dausi رضي الله عنه was not one of the Companions who narrated many hadiths from Rasulullahﷺ. Imam adz-Dzahabi Rahimullah called it, "Qalîlu al-hadîts (little hadith)". The only people who narrated the hadiths were Muhammad bin Mu'aiqîbرضي الله عنه , his son and Iyâs bin al-Hârits bin Mu'aqîbرضي الله عنه, his grandson and Abu Salamah bin Abdir Rahmân bin 'Auf رضي الل ه عنه

Abu Salamah bin 'Abdir Rahmân bin 'Auf Rahimahullah narrated from Mu'aiqîb that the Messenger of Allahﷺ said:

لَا تَمْسَحْ وَأَنْتَ تُصَلِّي. فَإِنْ كُنْتَ فَاعِلًا فَوَاحِدَةً تَسْوِيَةَ الْحَصَى

"Do not touch the ground while you are praying. If you have to do it, then just once, to level the ground."[2]

Mu’aqîb Ad-Dausi  Rasulullahﷺ رضي الله عنه Wafat

"Some opinions state that Mu'aqîb ad-Dausi رضي الله عنه died during the caliphate of `Sayidina Utsmân bin 'Affân رضي الله عنه. Another opinion states that he died at the end of Caliph Sayidina Ali bin Abi Talib رضي الله عنه in 40 H."



رضي الله عنه


[As-Sunnah magazine Edition 04/Year XX/1437H/2016M. Published by the Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta Foundation, Jl. Solo – Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196. Marketing Contact 085290093792, 08121533647, 081575792961, Editorial 08122589079]


[1] Tahdzîbul Kamâl 28/344, Usdul Ghâbah 4/447, al-Ishâbah p. 1453.

[2] H.R. Al-Bukhâri 2/80, Muslim 2/75, Abu Dawud no.946, , ​​at-Tirmidhi no.380. In the history of at-Tirmidhi, Mu'aqîb ad-Dausi z said, "I asked the Messenger of Allah about wiping sand during prayer."
