
Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA

Abdullah ibn Abi Aufa Abdullah ibn Abi Aufa (Arabic: عبد الله بن أبي أوفى) was one of the Companions of Muhammad and narrator of hadith.

The Nasab of  ‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa Radhiyallahu RA bin Abi Aufa‘Alqamah bin Khâlid bin al-Hârits bin Abu Asîd bin Rifa’ah bin Tsa’labah bin Hawazin bin Aslam al-Aslami al-Kufi. Chewing Abu Ibrahim, or Abu Muhammad or Abu Mu’awiyah.  The virtues of ‘ ‘ Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA  have embraced a very special glory by becoming one of the Companions of Rasulullah ﷺ. And the glory was also achieved by his father, ‘Alqamah bin Khâlid RA and his brother, Zaid.

His full name is Abdullah bin Abu Aufa (Alqamah) bin Khalid also known as Abu Mu'awiah. Abdullah bin Abu Aufa is one of the Companions who participated in Bai’atur Ridwan. Bai’atur Ridwan is an affirmation to swear allegiance to Allah and His Messenger. They also swore to fight the Quraysh infidels until victory was in favor of the Muslims.

In addition, 'Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA including the Believers who pledged allegiance to Rasulullah ﷺ in Baiat Ridhwân in the 6th year H. Allah ﷻ has told about His pleasure to the believers who numbered 1400  who participated in the historic baiat. Allah ﷻ said:

"Indeed, Allâh has been pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree, so Allâh knows what is in their hearts and sent down peace on them and rewarded them with a near victory (time)".

[Al-Fath / 48: 18].

This is enough to be a priority for those who follow it. Especially when added to the participation of ‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RAu in several jihads fî sabîlillâh with Rasulullah ﷺ and his perseverance in war. ‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA once said: Read also Ummul Mukminin, Maimunah bintu al Harits RA

"We fought with Rasulullah ﷺ seven wars, while we ate locusts". The prayer of Rasulullah ﷺ for the Family of‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA The blessings of the prayer of Rasulullah ﷺ were also obtained by the large family of‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA.

From ‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa  RA ,“ Formerly Rasulullah ﷺ when he was given zakat of one race, he prayed for them. Then my father came to bring his zakat, then Rasulullah ﷺ prayed:

"أَوْفَى أَبِيْ أَ آلِ عَلَى صَلِّ اللَّهُمَّ"

Yes, Allâh, bless the family of Abi Aufa  RA [HR. Al-Bukharidan Muslim] The number of hadiths ‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA Imam Ibnul Mulaqqin Asy-Syâfi’i Rahimahullah (died 804 H) mentioned that the number of hadiths‘ Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA  as many as 95 hadiths. A total of 10 hadiths were agreed upon by Imam Al-Bukhâri and Imam Muslim. One of the hadiths he narrated Rasulullah ﷺ:

 "O people, do not hope to meet the enemy. Pray for peace to Allâh. When you have faced them, be patient and know that heaven is under the shadow of the sword”.

[HR. Al-Bukhâri and Muslim] Students

 His full name is Abdullah bin Abu Aufa (Alqamah) bin Khalid also known as Abu Mu'awiah. Abdullah bin Abu Aufa is one of the Companions who participated in Bai’atur Ridwan. Bai’atur Ridwan is an affirmation to swear allegiance to Allah and His Messenger. They also swore to fight the Quraysh infidels until victory was in favor of the Muslims.

About Bai'atur Ridwan, there are many advantages. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Fath (48): 18,

 "Indeed, Allah has blessed the believers when they promised allegiance to you (Muhammad) under the tree."

Rasulullah SAW also said, "Those who follow the Bai'at under a tree (ie Bai'at Ridwan) will not go to hell." (Muttafaq ʻalaih)

In addition to participating in Bai'atur Ridwan, Abdullah bin Abu Aufa also participated in the war with Rasulullah ﷺ in the Battle of Khaibar.

Khaibar is the name of a district inhabited by Jews after they were expelled from Medina by the Prophet. for violating the peace treaty. From there they re-arranged the plot to vent their revenge. Apparently, they still continue to harbor hatred against Rasulullah ﷺ., Islam, and the Muslims.

Abdullah bin Abu Aufa stayed in Madinah until Rasulullah ﷺ demised. After that Abdullah bin Abu Aufa moved to the city of Kuffah until the end of his life. Abdullah bin Abu Aufa died in 86 H. He was the last companion to die in Kuffah. [

'Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA. The people who narrated and learned from' Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA among them are Ibrâhîm bin Muslim al-Hajari, Ibrâhîm bin 'Abdur Rahmân as-Saksaki,' Athâ bin Saib, Abu Ishaq asy- Syaibâni and Sulaimân Al-A'masy and others. ‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA, The Last Companion of Rasulullah ﷺ, Died in the City of Kufah

When Critical, He Still Performed Nahi Mungkar After the Demised  of Rasulullah ﷺ,‘ Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA moved to the city of Kufah. Allah Azza WA Jalla bestowed longevity on ‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa Radhiyallahu anhu. He died in 86 at the age of almost 100 years and was the last companion of Rasulullah ﷺ to die in the city of Kufah.

And at the same time, with the death of ‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA, the last person of the Companions of the Prophet who participated in Bai'at Ridhwan has returned.

At the end of his life, ‘Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa RA who is known as a faqih experienced blindness due to age.



Selected Hadith Narrated  by Abdullah bn Abi Aufa RA


1) Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa:

A man displayed some goods in the market and took a false oath that he had been offered so much for them though he was not offered that amount Then the following Divine Verse was revealed: - "Verily! Those who purchase a little gain at the cost of Allah's covenant and their oaths... Will get painful punishment. " (3.77) Ibn Abi Aufa added, "Such person as described above is a treacherous Riba-eater (i.e. eater of usury). [1]

2) Abdullah bin Abi Aufa:

" Rasulullah ﷺ used to say: 'Allahumma tahhirni bith-thalji wal-barad wal-ma' al-barid, Allahumma tahhirni min adh-dhunub kama yutahhar ath-thawb al-abyad min ad-danas (O Allah, purify me with snow and hail and cold water, O Allah, purify me of sin as a white garment is cleansed of dirt). "


(Sunan an-Nasa'i, Book 4, Hadith 8)

Credit: By Ustadz Abu Minhal, Lc


Source: The Abdullahs Around Rasulullah / Haeriah Syamsuddin / Intellectual Treasures / 2013

[Copied from As-Sunnah magazine Edition 11 / Year XX / 1437H / 2017M.

Published by Yayasan Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196.Contact Marketing 085290093792, 08121533647, 081575792961, Editor 08122589079] _______ Footnote [1] Siyaru A’lâmin Nubalâ 3/423, Al-Ishâbah p. 843. [2] Based on the news from Jâbir bin ‘Abdillâh Radhiyallahu anhu narrated by Imam al-Bukhâri rahimahullah in his Shahîh no.4154. [3] HR. Al-Bukhâri and Muslim. [4] Al-I’lâm by Fawâidi ‘Umdatil Ahkâm 10/94. [5] Some scholars mention his death in 88 H. [6] Tadrîbur Râwî 3 / 441-442. While the companion of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam whose last death was absolute was Abu Thufail Âmir bin Watsilah al-Laitsi who died in 110 H. Home / Language: Syakhshiyah /' Abdullâh bin Abi Aufa ... 🔍 Quranic Verses About Circumcision, Doa Ruqiyah, Allah Maha Pemberi Rizki, Definition of Prayer, Answer to the Dawn Adzan and Its Meaning, How to Bury Ari Ari Baby