Said Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani mentioned: "a sahabi, the owner of the house where the Prophet SAW and his companions gathered before openly preaching."
Born 30 years before the Hijrah, 594 AD, and died in 55 Hiriyyah, 675 AD.
Da'wah is one of the important keys in the spread of Islam. Rasulullah SAW had many friends who played an important role in preaching to spread the teachings of Islam.
The companions of Rasulullah SAW were active and patient in facing various obstacles. Even one of the Prophet's friends made his house a center for preaching.
One of the friends of Rasulullah SAW whose house was used as a center for preaching was Arqam bin Abi al-Arqam. Here's the story.
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[For Illustration Only l The Companions] |
Arqam House, First Development Center for the Prophet's Da'wah Group.
The Decline of Open Da'wah Orders
As written by Muhammad Husain Haekal in the book History of the Life of Muhammad (translated. p. 91) and also revealed in the book Sirah Nabawiyah by Ibnu Hisyam (trans. p. 219), in the third year of the prophetic bi'tsah, Allah Swt. ordered him ﷺ to preach Islam openly. Namely with the revelation of this verse:
"So convey openly everything that is commanded (to you) and turn away from the polytheists." (QS Al-Hijr: 94)
One of the things He ﷺ did at that time was invite his family to eat on the hill of Safa and used that opportunity to call on them to believe in his prophethood, accept what he called for, and abandon their error. His preaching was apparently rejected outright, especially by his family who were figures and even rulers for their people.
They began to realize that Muhammad ﷺ's preaching could not be ignored because in the future this call would endanger their beliefs, shirk business and power. Since then, Muslims have begun to experience obstacles to da'wah, especially when Islamic preachers began to mention their God and show the falsehood of their worship.
As for the Prophet ﷺ and his followers, they did not back down even though the challenges were getting bigger. In fact, they are increasingly aggressive in inviting the people of Mecca to abandon their ignorant worship and system of life.
Rasulullah Formed an Underground Da'wah Group
In line with this situation, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ continued to try to gather people who had embraced Islam into a secret kutlah (group) that stood on the principles of Islamic belief. He ﷺ established a place to teach Islam, as well as making it a headquarters for cultivating khutbah members so that they were ready to take part in carrying out the increasingly heavy mission of preaching. The choice ultimately fell on the Al-Arqam house. The strategic location and position of Al-Aqram, which is of the same tribe as Abu Jahl, which is known to always compete with the Bani Hashim tribe (namely the Abdul Manaf tribe, the tribe of Rasulullah ﷺ), means that no one would think that this house was the headquarters of Rasulullah ﷺ's missionary group. The house previously known as Dar Al-Arqam was finally known as Dar Al-Islam. In this house, the aqliyah of the followers of the Prophet's kutlah is fostered with verses from the Koran that gradually come down. Meanwhile, their nafsiyah is trained in such a way by praying together and tahajud, so that they are ready to appear as strong da'wah cadres. Every time there are new converts, they are immediately combined with this group. Until it was recorded at that time, the number of cadres for the Prophet's preaching who were trained at Arqam's house was 40 people. They were nicknamed As-Sabiqun al-Awwalun, or the first people to convert to Islam. Their number continues to increase from time to time. At that time, they could enter and exit Dar Al-Islam secretly without the polytheists knowing. The house was chosen as a secret place because it was on a narrow street and the door was at the back. From inside the house, road conditions can be observed so that safety can be truly maintained.
Therefore, at that time, the disbelievers in Makkah could only feel that there was a movement of da'wah that was continuing to grow. However, they were unable to smell where the center of movement was. They were only able to detect someone's Islam if they were a member of their family or came from among the slaves in their possession.
From Secret Group to Open Group
It was also from this house that Rasulullah ﷺ carried out the strategy of expanding his da'wah and guidance in secret. He ﷺ sent several of his friends to teach Islam in their homes. One of them can be seen from the story that sets the Islamic background for Sayyidina Umar bin Khaththab ra. One day, Umar came to kill Rasulullah ﷺ, whom he hated very much. He heard news from Nu'aim that his sister (Zainab) and her husband Zainab (Sa'id bin Khabab) had converted to the religion of Muhammad, so Umar immediately went to his sister's house in a state of great anger. Qadarullah, when Umar ra. When he arrived at his younger brother's house, he found the two of them having halqah with Khabab bin al-Art who was sent by Rasulullah ﷺ as their mushrif. At that time they were reading and discussing Surah Thaha from the Koran. Finally, this phenomenal event occurred. Long story short, Umar, who was so hostile to Islam, was immediately touched by the reading of the Koran he was reading. He submitted and immediately went to the Prophet ﷺ to declare his Islam. Sayyidina Umar's Islamic incident occurred in the sixth year of the prophetic bi'tsah (615-616 AD). Three days earlier, the Prophet ﷺ's uncle, Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib ra., had also converted to Islam, and the two main figures in the Quraysh tribe converted to Islam, becoming the main influencers of the Prophet ﷺ's missionary group. Apparently Allah SWT. had answered the prayer of His Messenger, namely when he asked Allah to strengthen Islam by one of the two Umars: Umar bin Khaththab and Abu Jahl bin Hisham. Even after that, it was Sayyidina Umar who encouraged Rasulullah and his Companions to show the existence of their preaching more openly. At that time Umar said, "Why do we hide our religion, O Messenger of Allah, even though we are in the truth, while they are in error?" Rasulullah ﷺ answered, "Our numbers are still small, you yourself witnessed what happened to us, O Umar."
Umar then said, "It is not appropriate for you to hide this religion, O Messenger of Allah. Show your religion. For the sake of Allah! Allah will not be worshiped in secret after today. By the One who sent you with truth. I will not miss an assembly that I once sat in with disbelief, but I will appear there with Islam. I am not afraid or afraid!" Rasulullah ﷺ also fully accepted Umar bin Khaththab ra's advice. to show his kutlah activities openly. One of the methods chosen was to hold an open parade in the midst of the Makkah community and around the Kaaba. This phenomenal preaching march in history took place. Starting from Al-Arqam's house, around 140 members of Rasulullah's kutlah walked in a line. They were divided into two lines, each led by Umar and Hamzah ra.. Then, this line walked through the villages adjacent to the Grand Mosque, namely Samiyah, Syughlail, Ziyad, and others. Then the line entered the mosque, circled the Kaaba and finished there, continuing to read the Koran and pray.
The forging at Dar Al-Arqam was also tested in the second phase
After the march, the activities of the Rasul preaching group were no longer carried out secretly at Dar Al-Arqam. Sirah experts call this momentum a sign of the movement of the Prophet's missionary phase from the covert stage of preaching (daur al-istikhfa') to the stage of open preaching (daur al-i'lan). It is characterized by more open interaction in society and by a thicker escalation of political struggle (kiffah siyasi), so that the clashes of preaching at this stage are much louder and increasingly endanger the existence of groups and followers of Islamic teachings. Naturally, this period is known as the scariest period. Until the following days, the missionary journey was filled with trials and tests. Starting from political propaganda, persecution, criminalization, boycotts, and so on. At that time, Arqam's house was a silent witness to the missionary journey of the Prophet and his companions. Until later, Mecca was abandoned in the Hijrah era, and re-founded in the 8th year of the Hijriah.
In later times, Al-Arqam bequeathed his house to his son on the condition that it would not be sold. However, during the time of Abu Jaafar al-Mansur, one of Al-Arqam's grandchildren was persuaded to sell his share in the house for 17,000 dinars. Likewise with other brothers. After changing owners, this house was called Daru'l-Khayzuran. As for now, there is certainly no trace of Arqam's house anymore. The Grand Mosque expansion project meant that this historic site disappeared without a trace. However, the story of its strategic existence in the Islamic missionary journey will certainly continue to be remembered as learning material for Muslims.
List of Selected Hadiths Narrated by Abu Abdillah Al Arqam bin Abi Arqam.
Narrated: Abdullah ibn al-Arqam From Sunan Abu Dawood
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah ibn al-Arqam
Listed in: Purification (Kitab Al-Taharah)
Wallahualam. [MNews/Has]
Siyar a'lam al-Nubala' 3/350)