Ammarah RA is one of those Ansar women who accepted Islam in the very
beginning. She was among the group that pledged loyalty to Nabi SAW
at Al-Aqabah. Al- Aqabah in Arabic means a narrow mountain road. In
the early days of Islam, the new Muslims were ill-treated by the
Quraish very badly. They would put all sorts of difficulties in the
way of Tabligh. Therefore, Nabi SAW carried on his work quietly and
secretly. People from Madinah Munawwarah who used to come to Makkah
Mukarramah for Hajj usually accepted Islam secretly in a mountain
road near Mina, so that the Quraish might not see them.
Ammarah RA was in the third such group from Madinah Munawwarah. She
joined most of the battles that were fought after Hijrah (migration).
She took an important part in Uhud, Hudaibiyah, Khaibar, Umratul
Qadha, Hunain and Yamamah. In the battle of Uhud, she was forty-three
years old. Her husband and two sons were also fighting in this
battle. She took a leather bottle full of water and headed for Uhud
to help the wounded and the thirsty. In the beginning, the Muslims
were winning, but things changed in a moment and the enemies were in
a winning position. She had reached Nabi SAW, when wave after wave of
enemy troops rushed to attack and kill him. She protected Nabi SAW
whenever anybody approached him. She had a cloth-belt round her
waist, full of pieces of cloth, with which she cared for the wounded.
She herself got about twelve wounds, one of which was very serious.
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Sa'eed RA says: "I once saw a very deep cut on the shoulder of
Ummu Ammarah RA. I asked her how she had got that. She said, 'I got
it in Uhud. When people were running about in confusion, I saw Ibn
Qumiah coming towards us and shouting, 'Where is Muhammad !. Let
somebody tell me about his whereabouts. If he is saved today, I am no
more.' I, Mus'ab bin Umair and some others stopped him. He gave me
this deep cut on my shoulder. I also attacked him, but he escaped
because of the double coat of armour that he was wearing."
a year's treatment, the wound would not heal. In the meantime, Nabi
SAW decided to go to Hamra-ul-Asad. Ummu Ammarah RA also got ready
but she could not join as her wound had still not healed. When Nabi
SAW returned from this battle, he at once went to visit Ummu Ammarah
RA. He was very happy to find her better. She says: "We were
greatly disadvantaged in Uhud. The enemies were on horseback, while
we fought on foot. There would have been a fair fight if they too had
been on foot. When somebody had came riding on his horse to attack
me, I stopped his sword with my shield and when he turned about;
attacked his horse from the back and cut its leg. This caused the
horse as well as the rider to fall on the ground. As soon as this
happened, Nabi SAW would shout to my son, who would run to my help
and then we both finished the man in no time." Her son Abdullah
bin Zaid RA says: "I had a wound on my left arm, which would not
stop bleeding. Nabi SAW said to my mother, 'Put a bandage over it.'
My mother took out a bandage from her belt and after bandaging my
wound, said, 'Now, son! Go and fight again with the idolaters.' Nabi
SAW was watching us. He said, 'O, Ummu Ammarah RA, who can have
courage like yours?"
that time, Nabi SAW prayed again and again for Ummu Ammarah RA and
her family. Ummu Ammarah RA said, "I was standing with Nabi SAW
when one of the enemies passed by in front of me. Nabi SAW said to
me, 'UmmU Ammarah! He is the man who wounded your son.' I jumped at
him and hit his leg. This caused him to fall down.
then went forward and finished him. Nabi SAW smiled and said, 'Ummu
Ammarah RA has taken revenge for her son,' When Nabi SAW was praying
for us, I said to him, 'O, Nabi of Allah! Pray that I may join you in
Jannat.' He made this prayer too. After this I cared very little for
any difficulty that came to me in this life."
has already been said, she also joined many other battles with the
same keenness and courage. After the demised of Nabi SAW , she took
part in the fierce battle of Yamamah, which was fought with the
rebels. She lost one of her arms and received eleven other wounds in
this battle. She was forty-three in Uhud and fifty-two in Yamamah.
Her great courage in these battles at that age was really amazing.
Learned from the Life of Umm Ammarah R.A (THE PROPHET’S SHIELD AT
hir rahmaan nir raheem
typical Muslim woman, shrouded from the world, lives her life in
obscurity in the service of her husband and children. Seeking no
recognition and having no personality or ambitions beyond the
pleasure of her family she lives and dies leaving no mark on the
pages of history. She is of course oppressed, neglected and possibly
abused. That's how the mainstream media of the western world degrade
the role of Muslim women for many decades.
that is not true!” you cry out. These statements infuriate us, but
a large number of people, Muslims and people of other faiths, believe
these myths to be true. As the knowledge of the Deen receded through
the years of colonialism, we lost touch with the real heroes and
heroines of Islam and replaced them with worthless icons from the
popular media. To destroy all stereotypes we need to study the life
of just one of these amazing women: Umm Ammarah, Naseebah bint Ka’b
al-Maziniyah al-Ansariyah.
you sit in the comfort of your home and read about her life, you
will weep. You will than filled with pride at her accomplishments
and shame at your own inadequacy. You complain about your mountain
of laundry and the house hold chores , while she climbed a mountain
to defend the Messenger of Allah SAW.
struggle to give your children a Muslim identity, while her son
defied Musaylamah the Liar even as he cut off piece after piece of
his body and martyred him. The slightest insult from a friend or
acquaintance leaves us emotionally traumatized and useless for days.
She received close to a dozen wounds in just one battle and, when
fighting at the age of sixty, she lost her arm.
You could meet her, You would ask her just as the Messenger of Allah
SAW had asked, “From where can anyone get courage like you, O Umm
she would take your hand in her worn and wounded hand and give you
some advice. Maybe she would give you some insight to her
extraordinary valor, determination and, most importantly, her
unwavering iman that guided her through all her struggles. Maybe she
would say…
Allah and His Messenger SAW.
In my research I could not find a direct quote recorded from Umm Ammarah RA. So with any kind of writing, memoirs with regards to the toils of blood,sweat and tears of Ummu Ammarah RA just like the other among the Ummu Mukminin that we are very much familiar with.
we know about Ummu Ammarah RA , the lady warrior of Uhud and many
other battle. The manifestation by action on her love for Allah SWT
and His Messenger SAW. But some people speak so clearly with their
actions that words become unnecessary. Especially in this world that
we live in today where knowledge is abundant but actions are scarce,
she truly fulfilled the ayat of the Quran,
“Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying
are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.” (Al-Anam 6:162)
life is a testimony to her deep love for Allah and His Messenger sal
Allahu alayhi wa sallam and this is the most important lesson we can
learn from her.
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The location where the Aqaba Pledge took place and the Aqaba Mosque and Ummu Ammarah RA is one of the two female Ansari. |
first time the spotlight of history falls on her she is part of a
delegation that has come from Madinah to secretly meet with the
Prophet SAW. It is the 13th year of Hijrah and a group of over
seventy men and two women is making its way to Aqabah. One of those
women is Umm Ammarah RA. She chose to travel with her husband on this
crucial mission and did not linger behind. The women swore allegiance
when the men swore allegiance. The Prophet SAW did not admonish them
for accompanying the men. In fact the oath of loyalty was the same
for the men and the women except that out of respect the Prophet SAW
did not hold their hand. He touched their hearts and they dedicated
their lives for the service of the Deen.
could have stayed at home and waited for her husband to inform her
about the Messenger SAW, but Umm Ammarah was not of those who stay
the moment when Allah SWT gives it to you.
few years pass in which significant events of Islamic history unfold:
the Prophet SAW migrates to Madinah, the Islamic state is
established, the battle of Badr takes place and then comes the battle
of Uhud and the turning point in the life of Umm Ammarah RA and her
whole family. Allah SWT gives her an opportunity and she seizes it.
Initially the Muslims are winning, but the tide turns when the
archers that the Prophet SAW had placed strategically on the hill of
Uhud with instructions not to move under any circumstance, suddenly
abandon their posts. This gives an opportunity for the enemy to
attack from the rear. The Muslim army is suddenly surrounded and
chaos ensues.
Ammarah RA, who had joined the army to serve water to the soldiers,
suddenly sees the Prophet SAW under attack with only a few of the
Sahabah by his side. Her immediate response is to grab a sword and a
shield or a bow (both are mentioned) and rush to his defense. She
does not think, “Oh I am a woman, how can I protect the Messenger
SAW? What use can I be to him?” Before the container of water hits
the ground and spills its contents, Umm Ammarah’s RA name has been
splashed across the pages of history and written in the scrolls of
the righteous in the heavens. Umar RA would mention later that the
Prophet SAW had said to him, “Whenever I turned left or right on
the day of the Battle of Uhud, I always saw her (Umm ‘Ammarah RA)
fighting in my defense.”
everything as a family.
as at the time of the Second Pledge of Aqabah, the family of Umm
Ammara RA is together on the day of Uhud. Umm Ammarah’s two sons,
Habib and Abdullah and her husband rush to where the small group of
Sahabah stand to defend the Messenger of Allah SAW. Abdullah and Umm
Ammarah are both wounded in the fighting. When her son is injured and
blood gushes out from his shoulder, she ties up his wound and tells
him to keep fighting and when she is injured, the Prophet SAW calls
out to Abdullah RA to help his mother. Despite their injuries neither
of them abandoned the defense of the Prophet SAW, and keep fending
off the onslaught of the disbelievers.
Prophet SAW is amazed by the courage displayed by this valiant family
and sensing his pleasure, she makes a request. In the uproar of the
battle, as the swords clash and the arrows fly overhead and men
scream in agony and fall to their death this remarkable woman,
wounded but determined, asks, “O’ Messenger of Allah, invoke
Allah to make us your Companions in Paradise!”
Messenger Rasulullah SAW replies, “O’ Allah, make them my
Companions in Paradise.”
guarantee of Paradise in the company of the Messenger Rasulullah SAW
for the whole family! She could have asked merely for her own
salvation but even at that point she is not selfish and includes her
family in her prayer.
our zeal for acquiring the knowledge of the Deen we sometimes become
negligent of our families. It is important to pass on the knowledge
to them as well and to include them in every beneficial activity that
we participate in. Allah SWT commanded us,
you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a
Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed]
angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He
commands them but do what they are commanded.” (At-Tahrim 66:6)
earned for her family Paradise. We can at least save ours from the
fire, if Allah wills. Remain a grateful servant of Allah.
The Prophet SAW stood for so long in prayer at night that his feet were swollen and cracked. When asked by Ai'sha RA why he endured so much hardship when Allah SWT had forgiven all his later and previous sins, he replied, “Should I not prove myself to be a thankful servant?”
Sahaba and the sahabiyat also acquired this characteristic of Shukr
(gratitude). The family of Umm Ammarah RA did not cease to strive in
the way of Allah SWT after receiving the guarantee of Paradise.
Hajar said: “She (Umm ‘Ammarah) witnessed the pledge of Aqabah
and she also pledged allegiance. She participated in the battles of
Uhud, Hudaybiyah and Khaybar and participated in ‘Umrat al Qada.
She also witnessed the conquest of Makkah and participated in the
campaigns of Hunayn and Yamamah.”
her sons were martyred: Abdullah in the battle of Hurrat and Habib at
the hands of Mussaylamah the Liar. He tortured him to death, cutting
off piece after piece of his body because every time he was asked,
“Do you believe I am the Messenger of Allah?” He replied, “I
can’t hear.”
the Muslim army set out at the time of Saidina Abu Bakr RA to fight
Musaylamah, Umm Ammarah RA at the ripe old age of sixty requested the
Khalifah and joined them. She lost her arm in the battle but had the
satisfaction of seeing the dead body of the man who defied the
Messenger of Allah SAW and tortured her son.
any of us strive so hard and sacrifice so much, after receiving the
promise of Paradise?
Umm Ammarah RA, may Allah be pleased with her, was a woman of exemplary courage and her life carries so many lessons for us. I have shared a few that I learned to know of.
Umm Ammarah RA, may Allah be pleased with her, was a woman of exemplary courage and her life carries so many lessons for us. I have shared a few that I learned to know of.
share what part of her story touched you the most and how do you thin