
Abu Dom Dom رضي الله عنه

Abu Dom Dom رضي الله عنه is poor but his alms are accepted. Abu Dom Dom رضي الله عنه doesn't have even a handful of dates, he doesn't have even a little wealth, he doesn't have even a penny of dinar or dirham, how does Abu Dom Dom give charity? 
Abu Daud narrated with a "mursal" chain that Rasulullah. Said to the companions, "Do any of you feel reluctant to be like Abu Domdom رضي الله عنه.?" Abu Dom Dom رضي الله عنه was poor and had nothing, so, in the darkness of the night, he got up and prayed two rak'ahs while praying,

"Oh Allah, oh my God! Those who have wealth can give charity with their wealth, those who own horses can mobilize their horses (for the sake of jihad) and those who own camels can also prepare their camels. Whereas I, O! Allah, have no property. No horses and no camels.

Ya Allah, because of that I give you alms with this prayer and accept my alms.

Ya Allah, whoever wrongs me or abuses me or curses me or curses me from among the Muslims, then make them always healthy, always get ease and always get forgiveness from You."

Finally, God accepted his charity. "Indeed, Allah only accepts (practice) from those who are pious." 
(Al-Maidah: 27)

It's hard to forgive people who have hurt us and then pray for goodness for them..

Be The Like Of Abu Dom Dom..
Every person who believes should try to rid himself of feelings of hatred towards others, including in the matter of giving alms. Because there are characteristics of mazmumah who feel envious of seeing others give charity, while he himself is less likely to do it, perhaps for his own reasons. A miserly attitude is also a feeling of not being happy when others always give alms, but there are also those who feel sad in their hearts when others are able to practice giving alms regularly. The soul feels sad and empty because there is no ability to give charity. This is conveyed based on the history of Rasulullah who did not want to hear the news that could cause hatred in others including his companions.

"None of you should tell me bad news about my friends. Because every day I want to leave the house with my heart safe," said Habib Ali quoting the hadith of Rasulullah.

Rasulullah continued, "Are you not capable of being Abu Domdom who says: Oh God, I want to give charity with my honor and I will not demand anyone who curses me, who talks about my badness."

Abu Dom Dom رضي الله عنه also insisted that as a charity, he will not demand those who hate and spread bad news about him. The next day, Rasulullah asked who said yesterday that he gave charity with his honor.

Then Abu Dom Dom رضي الله عنه stood up, "I am Ya Rasulullah".

"Allah has accepted your alms," replied Rasulullah.

For Habib Ali, the alms that Abu Dom Dom رضي الله عنه gave was when he did not want to bring feelings of hatred let alone revenge to others. But, in today's age, we sow and burn the fire of anger and even hatred with one another. Regarding this phenomenon, Habib Ali then continued with the hadith.

"You will be afflicted with diseases that have afflicted people before you," said the Prophet.

"What is that disease, O Messenger of Allah," asked his friend.

"Envy, envy, and hatred towards others," answered Rasulullah.

In today's age, continued Habib Ali, people compete using sms, WhatsApp, and Facebook about other people's badness. Not only that, the electronic message was followed by pictures and videos. People like this, said Habib Ali, do not reflect (self-evaluation) until they forget that their actions will be held accountable before Allah.

"Account for yourself in the world, before you are accounted for in the afterlife," said Habib Ali.

People who reflect a lot in this world will have light accounts in the afterlife. Those who do not reflect in this world will have a heavy reckoning in the afterlife. Therefore, each of us should ask God to be cleansed from such diseases of the heart so that we can meet God with a clean heart.[]

 Hadith Narrated by Rasulullah: (About Abu Dom Dom)

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) once said, ‘Why can’t you be like Abu Damdam?’ The Sahabah asked, ‘Who is Abu Dom Dom O Rasulullah?’ He replied, ‘Abu Dom Dom recites the following dua every morning, ‘Allahumma inni qad wahabtu nafsi wa ‘irdi laka.‘ He would not retaliate or swear at those who swore at him, oppressed him, or abused him.

(‘Amalul Yawmi Wal Laylah of Ibnus Sunni, Hadith: 66. Also see Al Adhkar, Hadith: 235)

Imam Abu Dawud (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration with variations in the wording.

(Sunan Abi Dawud, Hadith: 4886-4887)

The narration is corroborated and suitable to quote.

(Refer: Nataijul Afkar, vol. 2 pg. 415-419)


Arabic text of the du’a in Ibnus Sunni:

اللهم إنِّي قَدْ وَهَبْتُ نَفْسِي وَعِرْضِي لَك

O Allah! I offer my life and honor to you [I have given my life and honor in charity to those who oppress me]

 And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.