
Wahshi bin Harb Accepts Islam

Abdullah bin Abbas RA narrates that Rasulullaah SAW sent a messenger with the invitation of lslam to Wahshi bin Harb who was responsible for killing Saidina Hamza RA (the uncle of Rasulullah SAW. The messenger returned with a message from Wahshi stating, "0 Muhammad! How can you call me to Islam when you say that a murderer, a Mushrikeen and an adylmer shall meet with a grave punishment and this punishment will be multiplied for them on the Day of Qiyaamah where they shall remain disgraced in it forever(3). I have committed all of these crimes, so is there any scope for me?"

Allah SWT then revealed the verse:
(Thepunishment oflahannamis for all murderers, Mushrikeen and
adulterers) Except for those who (sincerely)repent, accept Imaan and
perform good actions. For such people Allaah will convert their sins
into good deeds. Allaah is Ever Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. {Surah
Furqaan, verse 70)
In reply to this verse, Wahshi said, "0 Muhammad! The condition in this verse is uncompromising which states, 'Except for those who (sincere&)repent, accept Iman and perform good actions.' What if I do not have the opportunity to fulfill it?" Allah SWT then revealed the verse:

Verily Allaah does not forgive that Shirk be committed, but may forgive
all (sins)besides this for whom He wills. {Surah Nisaa, verse 48)

To this, Wahshi replied, "This forgiveness depends on the will of Allah SWT. I do not know whether I shall be forgiven or not. Is there any other scope for me?" AllahSWT then revealed the verse:
Say, "0 My bondsmen who have wronged their souls (by committing
kulr or other sins)! ~ e + rlose hope of Allaah's mercy. Verily, Allaah
forgives all sins. Undoubtedly, He is the Most Forgiving, the Most
Merciful." {Surah Zumar, verse 53)

Upon hearing this, Wahshi said, 'Yes, this is in order." He then accepted Islam. other Muslims asked, "Rasulullaah SAW, We had also committed the sins that Wahshi committed (Does this verse apply to us as well?)." Rasulullaah SAW replied, "It applies to all Muslims in general."
Abdullah bin Abbas RA, reports that some Mushrikeen who had committed murder and adultery in abundance approached Rasulullaah SAW.
They said, 'What you are saying and calling towards seems extremely good. Do tell us if there is any expiation for our sins?" It was on this occasion that Allah SWT revealed the following two verses:
Those who do not call to (do not worship) another llaah with Allaah,
who only kill a soul forbidden by Allaah with a warrant (when required
to execute a person whom a court of Shariah sentences to death),and
(theyare those)who do not fornicate (theyneither commit fornication
nor adultery).{Surah Furqaan, verse 6 8 )

Say, "0 bondsmen who have wronged their souls (by committing
kufi or other sins)! Never lose hope of Allaah's mercy. Verily, Allaah
forgives all sins. Undoubtedly, He is the Most Forgiving, the Most
Merciful." {Surah Zurnar, verse 5 ) '3()