
Al Mughirah bin Syu'bah رضي الله عنه


Al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah رضي الله عنه was born in Taif in the year 20 before Hijriyah.

Since its birth in the Arabian Peninsula around 14 centuries ago, Islam has produced many Muslim scholars who are reliable and competent and have a high intellectual level. One of the Muslim scholars who had high capabilities and intellect was Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه, a friend of Rasulullah who was very close and obedient to his teachings.

During the period of ignorance, he left Taif and migrated to Alexandria, Egypt. At that time, he visited Al-Muqauqis, the Roman governor of Alexandria. Then he returned to the land of Hijaz.

Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه converted to Islam in 5 AH and followed the Hudaibiyah agreement. Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه also took part in the Al-Yamamah war, the liberation of Sham, Al-Qadisiyah, Nahrawand, Hamadan, and other regions. Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه lost his sight in the Al-Yarmuk battle.

Previously, when the Al-Qadisiyah war broke out, Rustam, commander of the Persian troops, asked Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqashرضي الله عنه to send one of his intelligent and intellectual troops to answer some of his questions.

In the course of Islamic history, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه was known as a clever man and clever at diplomacy. He participated in several wars and battles to maintain the glory of Islam on Allah's earth, including the Yamanah War, the liberation of the land of Sham, and the expansion into Persian territory.

During the era of Umar bin Khathab's mistakes, he once held the position of Governor of Basrah and Kufah. However, because there was a change in political policy, Caliph Uthman bin Affan was removed from his position. However, after that, he was reappointed as governor of the Kufa region by Caliph Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan. Finally, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه died in 50 AH[1] or 670 AD.

His skills in diplomacy made Saad bin Abi Waqqash, the warlord during the time of Caliph Umar bin Khathab who was sent to conquer the land of Persia, appoint him as a diplomat and send him to the camp of the great commander Rustum - who at that time was setting up camp with his troops in the Qadisiya valley to monitor and defend the region. the vast power of the Persian empire. Finally, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه left for Rustum's camp with several of his companions.

Arriving at commander Rustum's camp, he immediately went in to meet the famous Persian commander. In the tent, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه saw the commander-in-chief's bodyguards, military dignitaries, and other soldiers of the Persian kingdom wearing crowns and silk clothes decorated with gold, jewels, and beautiful diamonds. With steady steps and a straight body, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه continued to walk on the soft and beautiful carpet encrusted with gold thread that had been deliberately spread in the middle of the camp towards the soft couch belonging to Commander Rustum.

Not long after, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه arrived at the Rustum commander's couch which was made of gold, while the king of Rustum was sitting on it like a god who was being worshiped. Without feeling awkward or afraid of the king and his bodyguards, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه immediately sat next to Commander Rustum.

Seeing Mughirah's "strange and magical" behavior, Rustum's guards were amazed. Because so far no one has dared to act like Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه did towards a great commander of Rustum's caliber without fear and worry, sitting right next to him, like friends who had known each other for a long time.

The king's guards approached him and took him down from beside the soft couch belonging to Commander Rustum. After that, they spread a special carpet for the king's guests. Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه sat on the rug and said:

“According to the information we know, you are a nation with high intelligence. However, I have never seen a person more stupid than you. We Muslims are equal and equal in the eyes of God. There are no parts of us who enslave others. Even more than that, you have served yourselves to kings and dignitaries. While some of you have become gods to others.

This is a confusion that cannot be made by people who claim to have a high level of intelligence. I came here not for any reason except because you invited me. Therefore, now I know that your condition is weak and you will be defeated easily. You know, a government will not be able to function if the mentality of its rulers is like this."

Mughirah's speech made the hearts of some of those present stir. From here, soul-shaking began to occur until finally doubt and doubt emerged in their hearts. Of course, a soul that is shaken like this is easily possessed by deadly poisons.

Commander-in-Chief Rustum realized that the Muslim negotiator's words had received a warm welcome from military officials and the royal guard. Because he was worried about the disaster that would befall his kingdom which would also threaten his position as a powerful commander, he tried to remind them of their ancestors.

He gave speeches in front of military and royal officials about the great power that his kingdom had from its ancestors until the period of its power with passionate orations. He also vilified the Arab people in terms of geography, civilization, culture, population behavior, and so on. 

Facing psychological attacks from commander Rustum, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه just smiled and said, 

"There is truth in what you say, O commander Rustum! However, when Allah sent  Rasulullah among us he did his best to unite us and informed us that your country, with all its riches, would fall into our hands, and we would also get that glory back."

Therefore, we propose three alternatives

First, if you and your people convert to Islam, you will become brothers in faith with us and your country will be free from taxes. 

Second, if you don't want to convert to Islam, you have to pay taxes and we won't fight you. If you ask us for help, we will help you too.

Third, if you don't want to convert to Islam or pay taxes, then we will fight you.

But we know, we will not start the attack until your people attack us. Remember, our people have tasted delicious food from your country. That's why they always shouted, 'We can't wait to conquer the land of Persia!"

Like hearing thunder in broad daylight, commander Rustum was shocked to hear Mughirah's statement. Then he said, "We will destroy all your troops tomorrow before the sun rises!"

Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه responded to his boast by smiling as he left his camp without any fear at all. He saw that Commander Rustum's eyes seemed to contain very deep anger. After that, Commander Rustum took Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه to the front of the tent door while looking at him with both eyes until he finally disappeared from sight. Then he turned to his troops and said, "O my soldiers, apparently the Muslim warlord and his troops have humiliated my dignity. With his heart's content, he has smeared my face. Then where is your pride, O my soldiers?”

So, soldiers and their troops arrived from various corners of the camp - which according to historical records was around two hundred thousand soldiers - to gather in front of the great commander's camp. At this time, Commander Rustum gave another speech to raise their war spirit to fight the challenges of the Muslims.

Commander Rustum prepared his troops to attack the Muslim army which was only around forty thousand people. Meanwhile, the Muslims remained alert and only started the war before their enemy attacked first.

Finally, there was a big battle between the Muslim troops, with great ferocity. The Persian troops continued to attack with complete weapons and war soldiers. Meanwhile, the Muslims remain enthusiastic and believe that Allah's help will definitely come to them.

Only a few days later, the Muslim troops were able to win the battle and the commander Rustum was killed and his troops fell into chaos. This battle is known as the Qadisiyah War. With full confidence and patience, the Muslims were finally able to conquer the capital of the Persian kingdom and obtain abundant booty, including the three daughters of Emperor Yazdajir.

This is the truth of Rasulullah's promise which stated that one day the Muslims would be able to conquer the kingdom of Emperor Yazdajir.

That is one example of a friend of Rasulullah who received guidance and teachings directly from him until a warrior and sacrificial spirit was formed. Meanwhile, Mughirah bin Syu'bah was truly a skilled Muslim negotiator and succeeded in waging a war of nerves against General Rustum and his soldiers.

This courage does not just appear. Long before, when the Treaty of Hudaibiyah took place, Mughirah had shown his courage. When the Quraish pagan envoy came to meet Rasulullah in the Hudaibiyah valley, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه stood beside Rasulullah. When one of the Quraish messengers, Urwah bin Mas'ud Ats-Tsaqafi, wanted to touch Rasulullah's beard, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه immediately hit the man's hand with the hilt of his sword.

Urwah was shocked and asked, "Who is this person?"

"Mughirah bin Syu'bah," answered the people around him.

Urwah was shocked because when he was in Makkah before converting to Islam, Urwah had killed several people. It was Urwah who paid the ransom on behalf of Mughirah. In such conditions, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه remained brave enough to defend  Rasulullahﷺ.

The Wisdom Behind the Story.

Pride is sometimes needed to face pride again. Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه was able to show off his boasts in front of a feared warlord from a superpower in his time. No one can do that except someone who has been blessed with such strong strength of faith in his heart.

Faith is closely related to belief, and belief produces courage. Mughirah's attitude of treating Rustum like an ordinary person, and his criticism of the Persian soldiers who deified their king, were born from his belief that the Persians were inferior to the Muslim Arabs. Why is that? Because Muslim Arabs believe in Allah, while Persians do not. Faith makes the position of one person different from other people. And this sense of self-confidence seems to have to reside in hearts nowadays. Muslims

Learning from Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه, being a man of faith is not just believing that Allah is the only God and Muhammad is his messenger. Becoming a man of faith means realizing that there is nothing to be feared, respected or respected excessively, except Allah alone.

Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه accompanied the Prophet Muhammad SAW in several events, including Bai'at Ridwan and Hudaibiyah, as well as the conquest of the Bani Tsaqif. Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه also became one of the scribes of the Prophet Muhammad and a transmitter of several hadiths. 

Tricked by a Young Man of Bani Harith bin Kaab.

Despite his nickname, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه could be tricked by a young man when it came to women. Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه  admitted, "There has never been anyone who defeated me except a young man from Bani Harith bin Ka'ab." He also said that when he proposed to a woman from Bani Harith, there was a young man from them who listened to Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنهs conversation. Syu'bah. The young man then said to him, "Sir, that woman doesn't suit you." Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه asked him, "So what, what's wrong with her?" '" Finally, Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه gave up his intention and let the woman go. After that, news came to him that the woman was married to the young man.

Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه then sent someone to ask the young man, "Weren't you the one who told me that you saw a man kissing him, so why are you marrying him now?" The young man answered, 'Yes, it's true that I saw a man kissing him, but that man was his own father!!!'" 

"Look at Mughirah's friend. He gave up his intention to marry this woman because there was news that he had been kissed by a man who, according to his prejudice, was not his mahram, even though it was proven afterward that it was his father who kissed him," he said.

Learning Diplomacy from Al-Mughirah bin Syubah (1)

After Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه left, Rustam immediately invited the leaders of his people to convert to Islam. However, they refused.

Umar once appointed Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه as governor of Basrah. During his leadership, he succeeded in liberating several new territories. After that, Umar removed his position.

Then Usman appointed him governor of Kufa. Not long after, Usman removed his position.

Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه avoided the conflict between Ali bin Abi Talib and Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan.

Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه was present along with two negotiators appointed by both conflicting parties in the tahkim (arbitration) process in Shiffin.

Mu'awiyah once appointed him as governor of Kufa. Mughirah bin Syu'bahرضي الله عنه  was the first person to organize government administration in Basrah City.

He was also the first governor to be honored in Islam.

Ash-Sya'bi once said, "There were four clever Arab people, namely Mu'awiyah for his patience, Amr bin Syu'bah for his spontaneous ideas, and Ziyad bin Abih for the young and old."

The Narrator of Hadiths

He narrated 136 hadiths from  Rasulullah. Among other things,  Rasulullah said,

“Allah has forbidden you to harm your mothers, bury your daughters alive, and withdraw and retain property that does not belong to you.

And Allah hates you when you tell ugliness other people, ask too many questions, and waste wealth.” 

(HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

That is a short biography of Mughirah bin Syu'bah. He died in Kufa in 50 AH.[eng]

Mughirah bin Syu'bah Friend of the Governor of Kufah and other stories.

Al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah bin Abi Amir ats-Tsaqafi (Arabic: المغيرة بن شعبة بن أبي عامر الثقفي), also nicknamed Mughirah ar-Ra'yi ("clever Mughirah"), was one of the Companions of Rasulullah  who came from Bani Tsaqif in Taif. Al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah was a brave and clever man. He was born in Taif around 20 before the Hijrah. His father's name was Syu'bah bin Abu 'Amir, who was a scientist who was capable of making decisions and policies. His mother was a woman descended from Nashr bin Mu'awiyah. A woman whose entire life is dedicated to her husband's happiness and educating her children. Rahimahullah Al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah bin Abu 'Amir R.A.

During the period of ignorance, he was a robber, but he met Rasulullahﷺ to convert to Islam and emigrated during the Khandaq War. Rasulullahﷺ joined Islamic society as a new human being united by something in the sky, which is invisible but always watching, namely Allah SWT. The story begins when a group of people from Bani Malik sends a messenger to Muqauqis bringing expensive gifts. Muqauqis was a Roman governor who at that time occupied Alexandria in Egypt. Al-Mughirah insisted on joining the group even though his uncle 'Urwah bin Mas'ud had forbidden him to do so. As a result, Al-Mughirah was the only person from the Ahlaf tribe who came to meet Muqauqis. After returning from the visit, the group accompanied by Al-Mughirah intended to go to Taif to report what they had experienced. However, Al-Mughirah attempted to thwart this plan. Remembering that, he went with the group to Alexandria secretly. When he arrived at a place called Busaq, Al-Mughirah, who was known for being clever, tricked the people, killed them, and then took all their belongings. After that, he went to Madinah to meet Rasulullahﷺ and embraced Islam.

Arriving at Rasulullah 's place, Al-Mughirah found Rasulullahﷺ sitting with his friends. Al-Mughirah said, "I came here to testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." Then Rasulullah  said, "Praise be to Allah who has given you guidance in Islam." Abu Bakr ash-Siddiq asked, "Are you from Egypt?" Al-Mughirah answered, "Yes." Abu Bakr asked again, "What did the Maliki people do to you?" Rasulullahﷺ then answered, "There is a dispute between me and them, even though we are both polytheists. Therefore, I killed them. I confiscated their things, and then I went to Rasulullahﷺ to have them distributed. Because I consider this to be war booty from the polytheists while I as a Muslim confirm  the Messenger of Allah Muhammad SAW." Hearing Al-Mughirah's explanation, Rasulullah said, "I accept your Islam. However, I will not take the items you stole. Because these goods are the result of fraud and fraud is a disgraceful act."

Mughirah accompanied Rasulullah in several events, including Baiat ar-Ridhwan and Hudaibiyah, as well as the conquest of the Bani Taif. The first event that Al-Mughirah participated in was a ceasefire agreement between the Quraysh and Rasulullah. The Bani Taiif were visited by Rasulullah at the end of the month of Shawwal, the tenth year after he began his preaching. At that time, Rasulullah visited the leaders of Bani Amr bin Umair, one of the Ahlaf groups. However, the first attempt failed. The Bani Tsaqif at that time worshiped the idol Al-Laata. In the siege of the city of Ta'if for approximately ten days after the Battle of Hunain, the Bani Tsaqif and Bani Hawazin were able to survive. However, the conversion of the Bani Tsaqif to Islam occurred not long afterward, namely after the Tabuk War.

After the Thaif war, the Bani Tsaqif sent a delegation led by Abu Yalaili bin Umar to Medina to surrender and embrace Islam. Before arriving in Medina, the group of Banu Tsaqif was seen by Al-Mughirah who at that time was herding the goats and camels of the companions of Rasulullah. Seeing the arrival of the delegation, Al-Mughirah immediately rushed to inform Rasulullah. However, before Al-Mughirah had time to meet Rasulullah, he was intercepted by Abu Bakr and said, "I swear to Allah that you will not precede me in conveying this good news to Rasulullah, so that I will be the first person to convey the good news to him." Al-Mughirah also complied with Abu Bakar's request.

Abu Bakr immediately informed Rasulullahabout the arrival of the Tsaqif children to embrace Islam, while Al-Mughirah took the group to the mosque to meet Rasulullah. The delegation led by Abu Yalaili was willing to embrace Islam, but they asked Rasulullahfor several conditions. They asked not to be involved in war first, not to be obliged to pay ten percent zakat, not to be forced to give alms, not to appoint new leaders for them, not to disturb their gods, and not to be obliged to pray. Rasulullah also responded to these conditions by saying, "You may not invite war and murder, you may not take a tenth of your wealth, you may refuse to give alms and you may refuse to collect alms from other people, as for destroying idols, we still demand from you guys to do it. As for prayer, a person's religion is not considered good if he does not pray." Rasulullah continued, "Indeed they will give charity and fight in the way of Allah if their faith is embedded in their hearts."

It is true what Rasulullah said. He sent a group of friends led by Khalid bin Walid to destroy the idols of the Bani Tsaqif in Taif. Meanwhile, among these friends was Al-Mughirah who was a respected person among the Bani Tsaqif. He became the person who was most enthusiastic about destroying the idols of the Bani Tsaqif. Al-Mughirah said, "On this day I will really make you all laugh at the people of Tsaqif." Then he began to flatten the idols. Seeing this, the Tsaqif people said, "May Allah protect Al-Mughirah from accidents because he has destroyed God!" Hearing that, Al-Mughirah replied, "O people of Tsaqif! In fact, your idols are only made of stone and clay. Worship the Almighty Allah!” al-Mughirah and his companions continued to destroy the remaining idols down to their foundations. On the orders of Rasulullah, the Al-Laata idol was then destroyed by Muslim messengers, namely Abu Sufyan bin Harb and Mughirah bin Syu'bah.

Mughirah bin Syu'bah was also one of the scribes of Rasulullah, and a transmitter of several hadiths. During Abu Bakr's reign, he was involved in the Yamamah War, expeditions to Syria and Iraq, and as an envoy to the people of An-Nuja'ir. Later during Umar's reign, he was involved in the Yarmuk War, and as an envoy to the Persian Empire troops. Al-Mughirah and the Persian conquest - During the era of Umar bin Khattab's caliphate, Muslim troops invaded Qadisiyyah to fight Persian troops led by Rustum. When they arrived at Qadisiyyah and the two armies faced each other, Rustum asked the Muslim troops to send their envoys for dialogue. The Muslim troops led by Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqash sent Rib'i bin Amir. The next day Rustum asked for another person to be sent, Sa'ad sent Huzaifah bin Mihsan. When the next day Rustum still asked for another person, Sa'ad sent Mughirah bin Syu'bah.

Mughirah immediately rode his mount through the group of Persian troops without the slightest hesitation. A dialogue ensued between Al-Mughirah and Rustam. Rustam questioned the motivation for the invasion of Islamic troops. Al-Mughirah explained everything well. He conveyed the message that the aim of the Islamic troops was to invite Rustam and his residents to embrace Islam. Rustam asked Al-Mughirah various questions and he answered them very wisely. As a result of this dialogue, some of the Persian soldiers confirmed and were amazed at Al-Mughirah's answer. Then Al-Mughirah returned to Sa'ad and said, "The war begins!" Immediately the Qadisiyyah war broke out until Rustum was killed, marking the victory of the Islamic forces. The Persian troops, which were much larger in number, were successfully dispersed by the Islamic troops and Persia fell into the hands of the Muslims.

Umar appointed him governor of Basra, and then Kufa. A Persian slave belonging to Mughirah, namely Abu Lu'lu'ah Fairuz al-Majusi, went to Medina and killed Umar out of revenge for the Persian defeat; but Mughirah was not to blame. During Uthman's reign, Mughirah remained governor of Kufa for some time, before finally being replaced. When a split occurred between Ali and Muawiyah, resulting in the Shiffin War, Mughirah chose to distance himself. Later, he only pledged allegiance to Muawiyah after most Muslims had done so. Muawiyah then appointed him governor of Kufa again, until he died in 50 Hijriah (670/671 AD). Based on the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah and Ibn Abbas, of the seven dialects of Arabic (sab'ah ahruf) in which the Al-Qur'an was originally revealed, one of them was in the Bani Tsaqif dialect.

That is a piece of the story of Al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah bin Abu 'Amir R.A. An Islamic hero who was brave and clever. He was the most enthusiastic about destroying the idols worshiped by his own people, even down to their foundations. A fighter for the Banner of Tauhid who always stands at the forefront in fighting polytheism and injustice.



رضي الله عنه

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