
Abu Juhaifah Bin Abdullah ra

Abu Juhaifahرضياللهعنه, real name Wahab bin Abdullah said, "Rasulullah made a brother between Salmanرضياللهعنه and Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه. Salmanرضياللهعنه visited Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه and he saw Umm Darda' (Abu Darda's wife) dressed sloppily. Salmanرضياللهعنه asked: Why ma'am? Umm Darda'رضياللهعنه replied: Your brother Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه does not want the world anymore.

Then Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه came and prepared food for Salmanرضياللهعنه. Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه said to him: Eat, I am fasting. Salmanرضياللهعنه said: I do not eat until you eat. Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه also ate.

When night came, Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه wanted to get up. Salmanرضياللهعنه said to him: Sleep. Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه also slept again. Then Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه wanted to get up again. Salmanرضياللهعنه said to him: Sleep. Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه also slept again.

Rasulullah said: "The religion of Islam is simple. Whoever makes religion difficult, will definitely lose. Therefore, brothers, be simple, do the closest if you can't do the most perfect, give good news, and ask for God's help by worshiping in the morning, evening, and at the end of the night." 

(Narrated by Bukhari)

When the time came for the end of the night, Salmanرضياللهعنه said to Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه: Get up now. They both pray in congregation together.

When the time came for the end of the night, Salmanرضياللهعنه said to Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه: Get up now. They both pray in congregation together.

Then Salmanرضياللهعنه said to him: You have a responsibility to God that you must fulfill, you have a responsibility to yourself that you must fulfill, and you have a responsibility to your family that you must fulfill. Therefore, please fulfill your responsibility to everyone who is entitled to it.

Then Salmanرضياللهعنه came to see Rasulullah and told him what happened. Rasulullahﷺ said: Salman is right." 

(Narrated by Bukhari)

Islam is simple

Abu Hurairahرضياللهعنه said Rasulullah said: "The religion of Islam is easy. Whoever makes religion difficult, will definitely lose. Therefore, brothers, be simple, do the closest if you can't do the most perfect, give good news, and ask for God's help by worshiping in the morning, evening, and at the end of the night." 

(Narrated by Bukhari)

The conflict that occurs is due to the existence of groups that tend to pressure other parties who do not agree with them in worship, while Muslims are advised to be moderate in performing worship according to their own abilities.

 Allah said which means: 

شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أُنزِلَ فِيهِ ٱلْقُرْءَانُ هُدًۭى لِّلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَـٰتٍۢ مِّنَ ٱلْهُدَىٰ وَٱلْفُرْقَانِ ۚ فَمَن شَهِدَ مِنكُمُ ٱلشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ ۖ وَمَن كَانَ مَرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَىٰ سَفَرٍۢ فَعِدَّةٌۭ مِّنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ ۗ يُرِيدُ ٱللَّهُ بِكُمُ ٱلْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ ٱلْعُسْرَ وَلِتُكْمِلُوا۟ ٱلْعِدَّةَ وَلِتُكَبِّرُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَىٰكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ ١٨٥

The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, guidance for mankind, clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, (let him fast the same) number of other days. Allah desireth for you ease; He desireth not hardship for you; and (He desireth) that ye should complete the period, and that ye should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that peradventure ye may be thankful.

— M. Pickthall

(Surah al-Baqarah, verse 185) 

Further to that, another event of life about  Abi Juhaifahرضياللهعنه is Wahab bin Abdullah is also said to be Wahab bin Wahab Al-Suwai Al-Kufi, he narrated as many as 45 hadiths. Saidina Ali bin Abi Talibرضياللهعنه greatly glorified Abi Juhaifahرضياللهعنه by calling him "Wahhab who does good" and "Wahhabullah" because he trusted him too much. Abi Juhaifahرضياللهعنه was also the person who established Baitulmal in Kufah. When Rasulullahﷺ demised he was still a child and he died in the year 72 Hijrah.

From Abu Juhaifahرضياللهعنه, namely Wahab bin Abdullahرضياللهعنه, he said: "Rasulullah, made a brother between Salmanرضياللهعنه and Abuddardaرضياللهعنه' - meaning that both of them were told to promise to act as brothers." Salmanرضياللهعنه once went on a pilgrimage to Abu dardaرضياللهعنه', he saw Ummu Darda'رضياللهعنه - Abu darda's wife - wearing a disheveled dress - that is, not decorated at all, Salmanرضياللهعنه asked her: "Why is the sister in such a state?" The woman replied: "Your brother Abu darda' no longer has any desire in the world - meaning: He has left the world, whether for women or others." In Addaraquthni's narration, the pronunciation of Fiddunyaa is replaced by the pronunciation of Fi nisaid dunyaa, which means that there is no more desire for women in this world.

Meanwhile, in Ibn Khuzaimah's narration, he added the words Yashuumun nahaar wa yaquumullail, which means that he fasted during the day and continued to pray at night. Abu darda'رضياللهعنه then came, then he made food for Salmanرضياللهعنه. After finishing Abu darda'رضياللهعنه said to Salmanرضياللهعنه: "Eat, because I am fasting." Salmanرضياللهعنه replied: "I will not like to eat so that you also like to eat." Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه then ate. After nightfall, Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه began to wake up. Salmanرضياللهعنه said to him: "Sleep!" He slept again. Soon he woke up again and Salmanرضياللهعنه said again: "Sleep!" Then after the end of the night, Salmanرضياللهعنه then said to Abu Darda'رضياللهعنه: "Wake up now!" Both continue to pray.

Then Salmanرضياللهعنه said: "Indeed, your Lord has a right over you, you yourself also have a right over you, and your family has a right over you. So give to everyone who is entitled to their respective rights." Abu Darda' - in the morning - came to Rasulullah, then mentioned the events of last night, then the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "Salman is right." 

(Narrated by Bukhari)

The narrator this time is Abu Juhaifahرضياللهعنه who has the original name of Wahb bin Jabir or Wahb bin Wahb or other than the two names. 'Ali bin Abi Talib رضياللهعنه trusted Abu Juhaifahرضياللهعنه so much that he appointed Abu Juhaifahرضياللهعنه to be the keeper of Baitul Maal in the city of Kufah, and Saiyidina 'Aliرضياللهعنه dubbed him as 'Wahb Al-Khayr' (Wahb who has many virtues).

Abu Juhaifahرضياللهعنه is one of the senior companions, even in a story when Rasulullah, died, Abu Juhaifahرضياللهعنه had not yet reached puberty. But he had the opportunity to narrate the hadith directly from Rasulullah like the hadith,

"As for me, I do not eat while learning" Al-Hadits. He died in the city of Kufah in the year 72 H/64 H.

Lessons we can take from the Narrator of Hadith:

1. Learn as early as possible

2. Don't delay goodness. included in the hadith "Brotherhood.."

There are two types of Al-Muakho in question:

1. Giving the right to inherit from each other. This happened when the Muhajirin came to the city of Madinah, and this was temporary until the Muhajirin could live normally in Madinah.

2. Can't/get in the inheritance.

"Salmanرضياللهعنه asked Umm Darda"

Abu Dardaرضياللهعنه has no desire for the world, and this often happens to people who are mistaken about asceticism. In fact, asceticism is leaving something that is not useful for the afterlife. Asceticism is not related to wealth or poverty.

Argument side:

1. It is forbidden for a Muslim to exceed the limits of his ability even in worship, let alone worldly matters

2. Islam pays great attention to rights


1. The Sunnah of visiting fellow Muslims

2. Can talk to non-mahrams when they have an urgent need

3. Advise each other in goodness

4. The priority of praying at the end of the night

5. It is recommended for the wife to beautify herself

6. The wife has rights that must be fulfilled by the husband

7. Can cancel sunnah fasting

Selected Hadiths Narrated by Abu Juhaifah (Wahab) bi Abdullah

Sahih Muslim Hadith Volume 1. 
Hadith Number 0454.
On the authority of Abu Juhaifah, on the authority of his father, he said: "I came to Rasulullah, in Makkah, at that time he was in Abtah, in a red robe made of leather. Suddenly Bilal came bringing ablution water for him. From the rest of the water, there was someone who and there was only a splash. It was as if the Prophet's calf was still white. I followed Bilal's movements from the right to the left saying "Hayya 'alah falah". Then, Bilal cooked an iron-tipped stick, then the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, came forward to lead two rak'ats each. When the Prophet was praying, a donkey and a dog passed behind the stick, but the Prophet did not prevent it. During the journey, the Prophet always prayed two rakats until he returned to Madinah."

Hadith No: 879
From: Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 7, The Chapters of Establishing the Prayer and the Sunnah Regarding Them
Narrated/Authority of Abu Umar
"I heard Abu Juhaifah say: Good fortune was mentioned in the presence of Rasulullah while he was performing prayer. A man said: 'So-and-so's fortune is in horses.' Another man said: 'So-and-so's fortune is in camels.' Another man said: 'So-and-so's fortune is in sheep.' Another man said: 'So-and-so's fortune is in slaves.' While Rasulullah was finishing his prayer, he raised his head at the end of the last Rakah and said: 'Allahumma Rabbana lakal-hamd mil' as-samawati wa mil' al-ard wa mil' ma shi'ta min shai'in ba'du. Allahumma la mani' lima a'taita wa la mu'ti lima mana'ta, wa la yanfa'u dhal-jaddi minkal-jadd (Allah hears those who praise Him. O Allah! O our Lord! To You is the praise as much as fills the heavens, as much as fills the earth, and as much as You will after that. O Allah, none can withhold what You give, and none who can give what You withhold, and the good fortune of any fortunate person is to no avail against You).' Rasulullah elongated the word Jadd (fortune) so that they would know that it was not as they had said." (Daif)