Inviting Hakam bin Kaysaan to Islam
Miqdaad bin Amr RA
narrates that when he took Hakam bin Kaysaan prisoner (during one of
the battles), his commander wanted Hakam executed. However, he
(Miqdaad RA) managed to persuade his commander not to execute
Hakam but to rather take him to Rasulullah SAW. When they brought him
to Rasulullah SAW the noble Rasulullah SAW started inviting him to
accept Islam and spent a long time speaking to him.
After some time, Saidina
Umar RA said, "0 Rasulullah SAW For what reason are you talking
to him so much? By Allah! He shall never accept Islaam! Allow me to
execute him s o that he may reach his destination in Jahannam!"
However, Rasulullah SAW paid no attention to Saidina Umar RA (and continued speaking) until
Hakam accepted Islam.
Saidina Umar RA says, "When I
saw Hakam accept Islam, I was surrounded by thoughts of the past and
future. I chided myself for addressing Rasulullah SAW concerning a
matter about which he had more knowledge than me. I then told myself
that I had done so only for the welfare of Allah SWT and His
Rasulullah SAW.
Saidina Umar RA said, "Hakam
became a Muslim and by Allah, also he was an excellent Muslim who
fought for the pleasure of Allah until he was martyred at Bir Ma'una.
Rasulullah SAW was pleased with him and he has entered the gardens of
In a narration of Zuhri,
Hakam asked Rasulullah SAW, "What is Islam?" Rasulullah SAW
replied, "That you worship Allaah Alone Who has no partner and
that you testify that Muhammad is Allah's servant and Rasul."
Hakam then said, "I accept Islam." Rasulullah SAW then
turned to the Sahabah RA and said, "Had I listened to you just
now and killed him, he would have entered the fire of Jahannam."
Wahshi bin Harb Accepts Islam
Abdullaah bin Abbas RA , narrates that
Rasulullah SAW sent a messenger with the invitation of lslam to
Wahshi bin Harb who was responsible for killing Hadhrat Hamza RA (the
uncle of Rasulullah SAW). The messenger returned with a message from
Wahshi stating, "0 Muhammad! How can you call me to Islam when you say that a
murderer, a Mushrikeen and an adylmer shall meet with a grave
punishment and this punishment will be multiplied for them on the Day
of Qiyaamah where they shall remain disgraced in it forever(3). I
have committed all of these crimes, so is there any hope for me?"
Allah SWT then revealed the verse:
(Thepunishment of
Jahannamis for all murderers, Mushrikeen and
adulterers) Except for
those who (sincerely)repent, accept Imaan and
perform good actions.
For such people Allaah will convert their sins
into good deeds. Allaah
is Ever Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. {Surah
Furqaan, verse 70)
In reply to this verse, Wahshi said, "0
Muhammad! The condition in this verse is uncompromising which states,
'Except for those who (sincere&)repent, accept Iman and perform
good actions.' What if I do not have the opportun ity to fulfil it?" Allah SWT then revealed the
Verily Allaah does not
forgive that Shirk be committed, but may forgive
all (sins)besides this
for whom He wills. {Surah Nisaa, verse 48)
To this, Wahshi replied, "This
forgiveness depends on the will of Allaah. I do not know whether I
shall be forgiven or not. Is there any other scope for me?"
Allah SWT then revealed the verse:
Say, "0 My
bondsmen who have wronged their souls (by committing
kufr or other sins)lose
hope of Allah's mercy. Verily, Allah
forgives all sins.
Undoubtedly, He is the Most Forgiving, the Most
Merciful." {Surah
Zumar, verse 53)
Upon hearing this, Wahshi said, 'Yes,
this is in order." He then accepted Islam. other Muslims asked,
"0 Rasulullah SAW We had also committed the sins that Wahshi
committed (Does this verse apply to us as well?)." Rasulullah
SAW replied,
"It applies to all Muslims in
Abdullaah bin Abbas RA reports that
some Mushrikeen who had committed murder and adultery in abundance
approached Rasulullah SAW.
They said, 'What you are saying and
calling towards seems extremely good. Do tell us if there is any
expiation for our sins?" It was on this occasion that Allah SWT
revealed the following two verses:
Those who do not call
to (do not worship) another llaah with Allaah,
who only kill a soul
forbidden by Allaah with a warrant (when required
to execute a person
whom a court of Shariah sentences to death),and
(theyare those)who do
not fornicate (theyneither commit fornication
nor adultery).{Surah
Furqaan, verse 6 8 )
"0 M bondsmen who have wronged their souls (by committing
or other sins)! Never lose hope of Allaah's mercy. Verily, Allaah
all sins. Undoubtedly, He is the Most Forgiving, the Most
{Surah Zurnar, verse 5 ) '
Faatimah RA Weeps at the Pale Appearance of Rasulullah SAW Caused by
his Exertion In the Duty Allah SWT Entrusted to Him Abu Tha'laba
Khushani RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW once returned from a battle
and entered the Masjid to perform two Rakaahs of salah. Whenever he
returned from a journey, Rasulullah SAW always liked to proceed first
to the Masjid to perform two Rakaahs of salaah and then go to the
house of Faatimah RA daughter before proceeding to the homes of his
wives. Consequently, he went to the home of Saidina Faatimah RA upon
returning from a particular journey before going to see his wives.
Welcoming him at the door, Saidina Faatimah RA started kissing
Rasulullah SAW his face, Won and his eyes. She then began weeping.
When Rasulullah SAW asked her what it was that made her weep, she
replied, "O Rasulullah SAW It is because I see your face so
pale and your clothing so tattered (because of the strenuousness of
the journey) ."
this, Rasulullah SAW said, "Do not weep, 0 Faatimah. Allah SWT
has sent your father with a Deen by means of which He will enter
honour or disgrace into every baked and unbaked home and every skin
tent on the surface of the earth (those who accept Islam will have
the honour while the others will have the disgrace). It (the Deen)
shall reach wherever t h e night reaches (everywhere).
I ) Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.137)
Ibn Sa'd (Vo1.4 Pg.138)
mentioned in verses 68 and 69 of Surah Furqaan.
1 ) Tabraani. Haythami (Vo1.7 Pg.lOO) states that one of the
narrators by the name of Abyan bin
is regarded as a weak narrator by Imaam Dhahabi i & Z.